Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"It is of the highest importance in the art...

the harassment is increasing
supposed to be a law against harassment
and bullying
goes with the whistle blowing
i suppose
been to the fbi
and the us attorney
they just laughed in my face
my room was entered recently
and my property stolen
my vehicle was entered also
and my property was stolen
said it was government employees
goes with the whistle blowing
i suppose

"Government can be a kind of gangsterism and is in Russia
and is likely to be here if we don't take care of ourselves
pretty carefully." Frank Lloyd Wright (1958 T.V. interview)

listening to a report on the radio
concerning an exhibit somewhere
about thomas jefferson
and his slaves
been around a long time
spartans had 'em
really rough on 'em
greeks had 'em
back when socrates was alive
free gentlemen of color had 'em
in new orleans
back in the 18th & 19 century
irish came over to the usa
as indentured servants
some asians still do
and some europeans
so i was wondering about
people who are in business
you know the successful ones
who allow workers to work for
say $7.25  per hour
and people who allow wait staff
to work for $2.50 per hour
plus gratuities
they will not allow that in europe
i have heard
i wonder if squirmin herman
ever advocated for better wages
for restaurant workers
tough work
but not slavery
by todays definition

 "When you see a situation you can not understand,
look for the financial interest."  Tom L. Johnson

been mostly staying in the swamps
real relaxing mostly
listen to the radio
lots of news and such
dead folks
news seems to be a lot about
dead folks
heard mike mullen say
a while back that
no person who serves in combat
will ever be the same
he should know
heard the commander in chief
say he thinks maybe
four thousand jobs will be
made available to veterans
as policemen and firemen
better reconsider that

i wonder why the government
affords me no help
for my serious problem
with being harassed
they can kiss my ass

"It is of the highest importance in the art of detection to be able to recognize out of a number of facts which are incidental and which are vital...I would call your attention to the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."
"The dog did nothing in the night-time."
"That was the curious incident." 
Arthur Conan Doyle "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes"
                                    "Silver Blaze" (1893)

Panem et Circuses (Bread and Circuses) Satires, X Juvenal

mr cayetano

Friday, March 9, 2012

"The use of force alone is but temporary.

listened to an interview with the
chief law enforcement officer
for this parish
sometimes known as
the high sheriff
interviewer asked
chief law enforcement officer
 why this area
has the 3rd highest homicide rate
in the nation
was his reply
i had just eaten a motrin for back pain
i looked around to see
if i was going to be murdered
or if i might murder someone
apparently not

been reading in a book called
ceremonial chemistry
the ritual persecution of drugs,
addicts and pushers
by thomas szasz
he says

...for the facts here, quite simply, are that some
people want to take some drugs which some
others do not want them to take. The drug users-
called "drug abusers" or "drug addicts" by the authorities-
regard their drugs as their allies, and those who try to deprive
them of their drugs as their adversaries; whereas the politicians,
psychiatrists, and ex-addicts- who call themselves
"experts on drug abuse and drug addiction"- regard the prohibited
drugs as their enemies, the persons who use them as their patients
and their own coercive interventions as "treatments".

a fellow asked me for a cigarette this morning
i smugly told him i don't smoke anymore
then i went to the store and bought myself a
jar of instant coffee
for a quick fix

i found this info somewhere

17th century prince of the petty state
of waldeck pays ten thalers to anyone
who denounces a coffee drinker

and this

17th cent. russian czar michael federovitch executes
anyone on whom tobacco is found.
czar alexi mikhailovitch rules that anyone caught
with tobacco should be tortured until he gives
up the name of his supplier.


the chief law enforcement officer says
he has increased
boots on the ground
to help stop the murders
boots on the ground
that's a military term
not a peace officer term

read in the national review
jan. 23, 2012
an article by james lileks
that there are now over
40,000 statutes on the law books
at the state level
he called it the
incremental criminalization
of some element of life

we're screwed

i think the
chief law enforcement officer
only got half of the answer to
the interviewers question
the whole answer would be
drug laws

"Dilige et quod vis fac"
"Love and do what you will." St. Augustine

"The use of force alone is but temporary.
It may subdue for a moment; but it does not remove the necessity of subduing again: and a nation is not governed, which is perpetually to be conquered."   Burke, Edmund

this place is a circus          looking at the stern of the oil supply boat just before
                                           going back to secure the vessel to the oil rig with a line
                                           all in a days work...unless you get washed overboard!
mr. cayetano