Monday, May 20, 2013

"Man is still a super-aged-savage,...

                                        Black masked racer (Coluber constrictor)

have to limit my news intake at times
seems like the world is going to hell
in a hand-basket as they say
but the wilderness seems to be
much less wild and more predictable
than the world of civilized mankind

i listened with horror to the storey
about the captive women being found
in anthropological terms it might be
described as
marriage by capture
been going on for several thousand years
of course it has become increasingly rare
in modern societies
the thought of keeping persons against
their will seems particularly horrid in our
relatively free society
anyhow the next thought for me was
what should happen to the culprit
i am for public execution by firing squad
administered by the friends and family of the victim
this probably will not happen
but it would bring closure for many
like myself who feel that society has
not administered to the psychological needs
of the victimized community
then i thought what can be done to prevent
this kind of thing from happening again
and although i am not for a
big brother society
perhaps a big sister society would be helpful
i think if we put micro-chips in the bodies
of our pets and valuable livestock to
get them back when they are lost or stolen
a chip in the body of a loved one might be
a workable solution
and as nano-electronics becomes more
developed the implants will be less and less
obtrusive and more effective

anyhow my popularity is not
going to suffer from my views
as is is still hovering around
a nice round number

"Man is still a super-aged-savage,
predatory, acquisitive, primarily
interested in himself." E. A. Hooton

got to go
mr cayetano

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Tyrant wrongs and rebel vengeance..."

                                         by pablo p

love to go to the art museum
lots of stimulation
art snobs to make fun of
such as that

hypocrisy has been on my mind lately
my own and other peoples
that guy who is dead and they can not
find a place to put his body
what is that about
those followers of j c might consider
the message he taught is

then i was thinking about a couple of
real good music people
springsteen and dylan
springsteen is supposed to be a
blue collar kind of guy
according to his biographer
the only job he ever had
except music
was painting his aunts house
when he was 16 years old
and dylan never pick a grape
or a peach or as near as i can
tell did nothing like woodie did
but still they made some good music

i came across this good definition

hysteropotmoi- those who have been thought dead
due to long absence while at war or traveling
in distant lands, and who return to their homes
but are not able to enter them through the
front door but only through an opening in the roof.

this is an ancient roman custom
makes you wonder about that

i see where a lot of folks are bowing
down to the warren
he is after all a money maker for
a lot of people
but you know he should use some
of that smarts to figure out a way to
get some money into the hands of those
workers who work at the businesses he
invests in and cannot afford to invest themselves
because they do not make enough money
think about that one warren when you sit
down to that double burger you love so much

i was listening to cyndi lauper on the
radio in an interview
she is a Sicilian american feminist musician
sort of
she seems like she was interested in the truth
more than the money
and one of the less hypocritical people in the business
she said
" Once you're on the bottom you can do
what you want. What are they going to do
put more nails in your coffin!"
i found that very inspiring

i have a problem
i may as well write about it here
according to the blog report
i am the only one who reads
this blog anyhow
this is sort of an outlet for
my angst and such
anyhow for some peculiar reason
this person has taken to
purloining my writing
i am sure that with a little effort
this person can come up with a
nice little blog of her own making

or maybe not

"Tyrant wrongs and rebel vengeance
will continue their vicious rounds,
 until our minds are freed from their
 emotional adherence to conventions,
 traditions, superstitious, pious slogans,
 mob delusions, high toned demagogues,
and the psycho-neurotic leaders of our
moron civilization."     Theodore Schroder

well i got to go
bottoms up
mr cayetano