Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"And may we heed.."

                                 yellow rumped (audubons) warbler

not much of a picture really
but someone said it was a rare bird
for this area
i sit around and eventually
i am part of the landscape

i never liked birders too much
they scurry
or is it flitter
about and usually scare
away the wildlife
but they are doing an important
service for documenting
what is happening with the
wildlife populations
its those damned life lists that
bother me
look what i have seen
i thought i saw a chimp
in the everglades once
but i just chalked it up to
chemical aberration's in the brain

i spent a week in the woods
thats what i like to call it
being outdoors is praying
for me
i have not slept indoors
that is to say
in a house
or building
for nearly a year now
hope to keep it up
rather than succumb
to the hopelessness

i was especially attentive on
easter sunday
and remembered something
that i read in one of my books
so i got out the book

"And may we heed the solemn
admonition set forth in this book-
not to fritter away in the worthless
doings of this world the supreme
opportunity afforded by human birth,
lest by our spiritual improvidence
we depart from this life spiritually
empty handed."
 Easter Sunday 1955 -w.y. evans-wentz
preface to the third edition of
"the tibetian book of the dead"

i wonder sometimes if i am
frittering or not

got to go
stay heedful
mr cayetano