Thursday, March 5, 2020

"With coarse rice to eat..."

                                        my friend comes around for dinner in the evening

this is not a homeless fox!
listened to the California governors state of the state address
the entire speech dealt with THE HOMELESS
he wants 750 billion bucks to "get it started"
that is to correct the error of homelessness-what a joke
most of the people who are in a position to get
those person some help who would like some help
appear to not be aware that the so called homeless
epidemic is a result of an increased efficiency in
production of goods which requires less people
to make them or cheaper labor somewhere else.
Not to mention the fact that we do live in a nation
which really really values the rent prices
go up until the units are not rentable...then the price
drops a's the law of supply and demand
i heard a fellow talking about his book entitled
"The end of Work" and what might be the future
as jobs disappear in the USA and abroad.
Another fellow said that he thought that many of the
people who are working as manual laborers or
even skilled laborers who might loose their jobs
might be transitioned to computer coding which
has increased need for workers...also as I watch
the DVD by Howard Hughes Medical center the
lecturers are just about begging the students to get
into neurology....I have worked with a lot of people
who were doing low wage manual work who I thought
were capable of obtaining advanced degrees if given
the chance...but the way our system works now not
enough people are incentivized to work for academic
excellence...we have set the bar too low and "niggerized"
too many people...people are a resource not a surplus
burden...the Jews were determined to be surplus and
they got burned...are the homeless the next victims! 

my experience leads me to believe that every person
who is listed as HOMELESS is an individual case
and not everybody's'  needs are the same
one thing is certain and that is until government gets some
realistic goals on what society wants to achieve 
and quits thinking that everyone without a permanent
place to live needs to have a lot of money to alleviate
their suffering the taxpayer will be robbed of a lot of
the money grubbing landlords will always win if the 
"developers" are allowed to build housing which will
eventually end up in the hands of landlords and not
the people who live in the housing...equity in housing
for families and not landlords will go a long way towards
stopping what is known  generational poverty.
and Thorazine and lithium are not always the answer
to keeping the unhoused under control
it is now known that heavy pot use increases mental
health issues a lot...also 63% of meth users quit after
being given small financial rewards for clean drug tests.
MONEY is a great incentive to improve 
whether it is to improve grades or loose weight
or get sober well placed financial rewards are a lot
cheaper that enriching the already rich...

"With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink,
and my bended arm for a pillow- I still have joy in
the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired
by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud."
                                           Confucius "Analects 7:15
