Saturday, May 1, 2021

"I have sinned..."

                                                 ms.GaGa...a person who loves her pets

NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH                                                                             MISS MOO FOUND  WITH RUPERT                                                                                          the prize milk cow owned by the Teatsqueezer(c) dairy was found yesterday.                                 she jumped over the gate a few days ago  and was assumed to have gone to visit                         some of the other milk cows in the neighborhood...but after Horace the prized                             Mule-foot hog began to root under the gate Mr.Teatsqueezer and Mr. Panza decided                    to put on Horaces harness which he used at the hog shows when he was younger               using his very good sense of smell he tracked Miss Moo and Rupert to a meadow                  nearly two miles away...Miss Moo was laying down in the tall grass with a sprained                  ankle and Rupert was faithfully laying by her side...Sancho returned to the dairy to get               the truck and trailer and they loaded her and Rupert into the trailer and Miss Moo                      gratefully returned to her stall where she immediately drank nearly 20 gallons of water               the veterinarian said that she would be fine in a few weeks of limited walking...Rupert               ate several pounds of fried liver with bacon which is his favorite...

"I have sinned against my brother the ass."                                                                                     Dying words of St. Francis of Assisi