Thursday, October 28, 2021

"It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied..."

                          awoke to find slipper missing-suspect caught on camera sticking out tongue


Horace Hogwash demands end to systemic bias against hogs

in recent news release it was announced that a pig kidney has kept a human alive for 32 hours                   the human was already "brain dead" according to the report                                                                     the pig was probably cooked and eaten                                                                                                        Horace hog has been subjected to unspeakable prejudice due to the systemic and historic                           hog hatred which has been promoted by two major religions...the patron saint of hogs                               Saint Anthony (Bourdain) has always spoken well of all things pig...cooked pig mostly                     and the historical importance of pigs cannot be understated...many cultures respect and even                    worship pigs...cooked mostly....however there are some very serious problems with feral pigs                  around the world as they are rooting up the ground and releasing much carbon into the air                        like maybe as much as many million if more people worshiped pigs...cooked               is of course the best form of pig worship... there would be more chance of pigs becoming less                    abundant in the wild...and that would be a good thing....

"It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied."  John Stuart Mills (how would he know!)