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at a special news conference held moments ago Mr. V. Pootin announced that Moscow, Idaho and St. Petersburg, Florida actually belong to Russia! interview below...
Mr. Pootin as you know these cities have long been a part of the USA "Well we also want Alaska back! We was robbed! and we see those torch light marches near the gulf coast and those are obviously fascist trouble makers!" Mr. Pootin that is New Orleans and they are having Mardi Gras parades..."Heathen cults! they need to be eliminated from the wholesome people! The Borsch belt obviously is Russian in spirit and we will soon liberate them from the clutches of rampant capitalism!" Mr. Pootin anyone who is interested in moving to Russia is free to do so but we rather prefer to keep the United States united. "That democracy stuff is too slow! force and terror is whats needed to rule effectively! Interview over."
"Vory V Zakone"