Friday, April 28, 2023

"He makes no friend..."

                                   looking the rest of us

big news in the news these days...north korean leader (who is God by the way) seems intent on protecting his country from imaginary foes...the country has not got a thing anyone wants and the poor starving population only have to look south to see their kinfolk getting fat and sassy...the south koreans enjoy the respect of the world due to their great business endeavors and entertainment and general good times...

just heard this morning that the state of mississippi has the lowest standard of living in the USA...but france has a lower one...go figure...

well i was reading about DIOGENES (412-323BCE) in my seems he was not always an ultra ascetic...he came to athens and was a "rake and a spendthrift" but decided to change his ways and got pretty frugal...then he somehow got himself kidnapped and sold to a fellow named Xeniader of Corinth where he ended up tutoring the guys kids and became a member of the household and lived to be 89 years i remembered that Prof. John Hale had a tour of Corinth and watched his DVD and the Prof. said that "Corinth had an extraordinary reputation among the Greeks. It was a city of Aphrodite, "GODDESS OF LOVE".. It was believed to be a city of unimaginable luxury, and of  sexual license. Even the pastries were considered to be the best in the Greek world."...WOW! i rather imagine that old Diogenes sort of backed off the ascetic thing a little when he got to Corinth...or not..

i found a good deal on marked down food in the grocery so i ended up eating 2 pounds of bacon in 4 days...with all the snow still around in the woods i can just shovel snow into the ice chest and have cold water and cool produce and meat all week...

after 10 days in the same spot the Kaibab squirrels became friendly enough that they would climb into tree and watch me in the cab of the truck and the dark eyed juncos land on the hood of the truck with a beak full of grass as they remind me that it is nest time in the forest...robins, a friendly raven, and a few other birds began coming into the campsite recently...i set up the game camera at the compost pile and got a video of the ears of a placement is crucial...

\i watched a movie called "THE OUTLAWS" from 1943 produced and directed by Howard Hughes...the aviator, millionaire, eccentric...this is probably one of the best westerns i have stars Jane Russel( Rio) , Jack Buetel ( Billy the Kid) Walter Huston (Doc Holliday) and Thomas Mitchell (sheriff) there are always comments on Ms. Russels big breasts but her acting is superb and her smoldering pout excellent...Buetel does the best Billy the Kid ever and Walter Huston is great as Doc Holliday...the scenery is good and the ending is a pleasant surprise... 

"He makes no friend who never made a foe." Tennyson

Saturday, April 22, 2023

"The universe is full..."

                                    earth day today...

after 4 months or so of being chemically deleted of testosterone i have come to the conclusion that the most dangerous chemical on planet earth may be testosterone...bad motivator to say the least...

"The universe is full of testosterone, trust me. it's unbearable." Clara Oswald speaking to Odin, chief of the Mire in the "The girl that died " episode of Dr. Who

Monday, April 17, 2023

"The boy stood on the burning deck..."

 this video is of a kangaroo was taken near peach springs arizona at 4200 feet  I am not sure of the species...but they prefer raw peanuts to raisins...

i was staggering around in the heat after the temps reached 98 degrees so it was so long yuma...hello Flagstaff....arose at 3 in the morning and packed up the truck went into town and paid the bills for the month and headed as far as the BLM camping north of Quartzite and thought it would be a good idea to park in the shade of a small tree and wait until midnight to continue north...the next day was supposed to be record heat 100 degrees plus...i sat in the shade and read for an hour then just before dark i decided it would be a good idea to turn the truck around so all i had to do was crank it up and drive out...BUT! fate had a different i turned the truck around i suddenly began to spin the tires...and I WAS STUCK...after only three hours of me laying on my belly and shoving my shovel under the cinder block (where the hell did that come from!) and digging my tires out i managed to drive out of the two holes i had dug...i was on my way again by 10pm and just about exhausted...but at around 12:30  pulled into the rest area east of lake-have-a-shoot city and passed out in the drivers seat until 6 am... a little later i pulled into a terrible gas store got gas and the elixir of  tiredness a free cup of coffee with gas the time i got to the BLM/wildlife and fisheries legal camp spot i was ready for more snoozing...except i had to unpack the truck..

i watched a DVD a few nights ago called "LOLA"  from 1970 the original title was " Twinky" on the DVD cover charles bronson is named but not the female lead a miss susan george was every bit as talented as mr bronson despite being cast as a 16 year old lover/wife of the 39 year old Scott (bronson) there were only two memorable lines in the movie which was shot in london and new lola is a young 16 and mr scott os an old 39...when the english family meet their daughters new husband the father says there are 4 things he does not like about lolas new husband...he is old and he is ugly...i forget the other two...and when the couple move from london to new york and the fire is begining to dim somewhat in the relationship ms lola tells scott about something she and her girlfriends are going to do and scott says...."THATS ADOLESENT!....and she says...I AM AN ADOLESENT!"
this movie was interesting but not very entertaining...bronson goes on to more movies and ms susan george continues i would presume as a talented apologies for the previous mistakes about the identity of "lola" it would have  been easy for me to have fact checked it....sorry

.the poem below is by a woman named Felicia Dorthea is about a battle at sea (the battle of the Nile) which was on august 1, 1798...the french naval officer louis casabianca was mortally wounded but his 10 year old son would not leave his side and they were both killed when the ships powder magazine exploded...who knew!

The boy stood on the burning deck
Whence all but he had fled;
The flame that lit the battle's wreck
Shone round him o'er the dead.

Monday, April 10, 2023

"But Jesus would not..."

 after 89 days out of the desert i was glad to see the fox remains in the area...and really likes a drink...the times and dates for the stealth camera are not correct...

spent easter in the desert only 93 degrees hot which after so many 60 and 70 degree days it seemed like I would begin to fail after a week of this heat...old and fat is not a good match for the desert...i have decided that the main reason for obesity is refrigerators... i mean the damned things are just too convenient...the ice chest was not as much of a temptation...and also no ice...lots of ramen noodles, cans of beans and crackers...

i was not sure which species would be around but the round-tailed ground squirrels are still in the old spot...i saw what looked like a white one yesterday but the sun was so bright that i could not be sure...this is the spot here i photographed the hybrid round-tail and antelope squirrel...the merriams kangaroo rats remain...i didn't see any antelope squirrels so they must have sought better feeding grounds... the pair of ravens (I think they mate for life) came around after i yelled to them to let them know i remembered them...a trio of turkey vultures came in close yesterday and when i crawled out of  the sleeping spot at 4 AM this morning i could hear an owl vocalizing from a nearby tree or bush...and the lizards are liking the hot weather and are more active...all things considered the desert is much more conducive to thoughtfulness than being inside...but i did get some things done while i had access to so many electrical outlets...but the solar panels do a great job of keeping the batteries charged...

my 89 days in the rental trailer and the 44 radiation treatments were so fraught with criminality that i don't entertain much hope of surviving cancer or getting my $300 deposit returned....the best way to view this is to be glad that i am not the one who is perpetrating the crimes...more of which later

lots of news about the Tennessee legislature being bull-horned...i wonder if people realize that when A. Hitler in Germany addressed the assembled governing body to ask them to allow him to have just 4 years of "unrestricted" power he had a lot of the Brown Shirts among the legislators to intimidate them into voting the way Hitler wanted (i think there is extant film)  intimidation by thugs or bullhorns is never acceptable... there is a little book called "ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER" which is neither rare nor expensive and most of the civilized people use this as a guide on how to have an orderly meeting...mob rule  in the legislature is not appropriate...but of course the race card makes it all OK! the Justin Jokers should be made to take a test on protocol...but more importantly what was the law that these people were trying to guns? less guns? more training? the reality is of course no law will stop "mass shootings" but less guns might make for less shootings...but when a person wants to run amok...they going to do it...i think perhaps a law making people who want assault weapons belong to a "well regulated militia" which may dissuade a person from going ballistic due to peer pressure...and the militia people could alert the proper authorities in the event that one of their members needs to be red flagged...otherwise the number of shootings will remain high and the general population will all be at risk of being murdered to death...randomly...

I hear where killer cortez wants judge thomas impeached ....sounds good to me...

"Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. He did not need mans testimony about man, for he knew what was in man."  John 2:24, 25