Thursday, October 26, 2023

"So I came to Washington..."

                                    new terrain looking west X northwest
                                 this morning looking west ...temps in the mid-30's

sooo....heard that 40 states are looking to sue "META" for contributing to the mental dis-ease of americas youth....they say young people are addicted to their social media....or some such bogus complaint...i never got a facebook account as it took all of my attention to write a blog...considering the current state of affairs it must be better to zone out on social media than spend too much time scrutinizing human affairs...i know the small screen urges are pretty  powerful in me since I found out how to get Utube on my phone...but i am only spending my time (way too much time) on the news and important stuff like a history of king crimson and captain beefheart and such as that...but i do encounter very good documentaries such as "Ravens: Intelligent Rascals of the Skies" which also includes other corvids...some people said that ravens are linked to the devil...i don't think so...Odin had a pair of ravens named Huginn and Muninn...and ravens are not listed as vermin in the state wildlife regulations so that they cannot  be killed at any time ....also i watched a lot of sling-shot videos...i think since i am not the owner of a firearm (i think i would be refused a firearms permit...even lizards can get a gun permit in this state!) i need to get a sling-shot to protect myself from...berserkers and such as that....maybe not...i was told i might be charged with conspiracy to obstruct the federal government since i said it was not legal to burn the huge piles of trees that were left when they thinned the Coconino and Kaibab forest this year...HUGE piles...i said the tree sitters need to return to sit on these piles to force the feds to do the right thing and not burn them..."I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; FOR I INTEND TO GO IN HARMS WAY." John Pail Jones (1778)...i watched my first "Sopranos" DVD's first season...pretty good...i picked up all 5 seasons of "La Femme Nikita" and this series seems to consist of one group of people killing and torturing the other group and most of these episodes end with much sadness...poor Nikita sees all her friends bumped off and often the culprit is let off since they have good conections...when the rats chewed on her face i figured she was going to get is a real mess...i watched season 4 of "Californication" and I must say ol' Hank does not really make you like him...he lost the best looking woman in the series who was his wife and now he is floundering around indulging his alcoholism and satyrism...serves him right...Rob Lowe steals the scene every time he appears on the screen...also "The Shield" is a good series...but alarming how corrupted a police force can much for the old TV shows...a few days ago i read how many children and women the Israeli military (NOT THE JEWS) have killed in their bombings.. there must be some changes in human behavior as soon as possible...

"So I came to Washington, where I knew I would be farther away from America than I could be on some foreign  shore; not that I do not respect this as a good part of America, but in its general routine the heart of America is less felt here than at any place I have ever been." Senator Huey Long (!932)  Huey Long was from Winfield Parish which voted not to secede from the Union during the civil war because they said that it was a rich mans war... 


Thursday, October 19, 2023

"A conscientious man would be cautious..."

                                            congress deliberating on legislation
                                          can a bee sting a mouse to death and then eat it?
                                              artfully depicted bug with long antenni
                                                   it might be nice to return as a dragonfly
                                              artful fly with red...whatever...
 the score is still the same...humans losing the game...too many dead folks across the land...however i did watch some good youptupe and would like to recommend a couple...the one i watched this morning was very interesting as it was mike wallace interviewing aldous huxley in 1958...huxley was a man who sort of saw through time in his book "Brave new world"......many of the things he predicted in this dystopian novel  seemed to be starting to attention to the details of huxleys response' is kind of frightening to think that "Brave New World" was written a few decades before this interview...and now several decades later the predictions still hold true....

also there was a very interesting  interview on "firing line" with w.f. was called "the warren report; fact or fiction' with mark lane...this was shortly after the kennedy assassination...i was in the 4th grade when this deed  took place but i have always felt that i was somehow suspected of being complicit in this deed....i remember i stood up and went to what was called the "cloak" room to sharpen my pencil...i had never seen a cloak except on little red riding hood...we had coats an sweaters...anyhow when i returned there were two teachers in the classroom and they stared at me strangely and then they announced that school was over for the day...there was no grassy knoll or anything like that in the cloakroom but i felt kind of suspected anyhow...

you might also want to find a youptupe documentary about a guy named georg cantor who was a mathematician who studied infinity and other odd things...old georg died in an insane asylum after thinking too much about infinity...sounds about right...i was watching one of my "consciousness" interviews with a guy from Amsterdam who studied physics then studied psychology and he said that quantum physics was too complicated for anyone to understand....(for now i assume)...but i like to watch these documentaries to keep my brain somewhat active...i know from the medical lectures that to make the synapses and dendrites grow you have to repeat the stimulus many i do...

"A conscientious man would be cautious how he dealt in blood." Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol" 1777

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"What man calls civilization..."

      yellow ant on a yellow street sign

 these teeth are much older than my teeth...but my teeth do not look as good...damn!

Socrates suggested that the terms be defined before a discussion

ISRAEL=the northern kingdom of the Hebrews (c930-721 BCE) from the Hebrew "YISRAEL"= he that strives with god (Gen. 32:28) Established as the Jewish homeland in 1948 CE on land that was part of the British Mandated territory of Palestine                                                                                                 PALESTINE= territory in the middle east on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea...the name Palestine was used as the official political title for land west of the Jordan river mandated to Britain in 1920...In 1948 the state of Israel was established in what was traditionally Palestine                                GAZA STRIP= territory in Palestine on the South east Mediterranean coast became a self governing enclave in 1994 with an elected legislature in the mobius strip and endless trek to nowhere     ZIONISM= movement to establish a Jewish nation in what is now Israel- founded by Theodor Herzl in 1887

so some things to consider....last week there was talk of Israeli citizens not needing a visa to enter the USA...was this consideration also extended to the Palestinians? was also a mentioned on the news  that there was a very powerful organized crime presence in the area...soooo....i suppose that the organized crime folks are both Israeli and Palestinians...when a population is under a tyrannical government they invariably resort to "organized crime" to get what they need to live...that's the way it was in Sicily, Russia and Ireland, etc. etc. etc...

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war is worse..."John Stuart Mill

when Willian Tecumseh Sherman lived in Louisiana he said that blacks were not equal to whites and could never rule themselves even though he had been to new orleans and seen free men of color living as successful businessmen...the notion that anyone would call another human less than human is absurd..."we are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly..." sounds like Nazism returned...

"Should a nation which attacks and occupies a foreign territory in the face of United Nations disapproval be allowed to impose conditions on its own withdrawal?" Dwight D. Eisenhower (said in 1957 when Israel invaded Egypt)

saw a DVD called "Masked and Anonymous" which has a lot of famous movie stars and a famous singer songwriter named Bob Dylan...the story rambled on and on...but there was one standout performance when a Miss Tinashe Kachingwe sang "The times they are a changin'" her voice sounded angelic compared to mr dylans croaking...

What man calls civilization/ always results in desert/ man is never on the square/ he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth/ each generation wastes a little more/ of the future with greed and lust for riches....                    Don Marquis   " WHAT THE ANTS ARE SAYING" (1950)

Thursday, October 5, 2023

"The reason..."

                           some of the one dollar DVDs i bought last week

                                 most of the apple was worth eating...but this is scratched and dented produce

big news this week...and also small news...first the little news...the people who researched quantum spots or dots got a Nobel prize...this research made possible better TV screens and some other things too...the big news is that there has been spotted by the Webb space telescope some very unusual round things about the size of Jupiter floating in space...and not near a star so these objects do not seem to be rotating around a body at all...and there seems to be about 40 of them and they are in pairs...DAMN!...

on a more earthly plane i need to make some corrections to some errata from previous blogs...the comment that i would drop half a dozen more nukes on japan for their treatment of prisoners of war was a comment made in the heat of...well being mad...but sortition (see previous blog) is a very poor way to serve up revenge...i do believe in revenge...mainly served cold...also i made some comments about the early Greeks being not too ahead of anybody with their stupid wars...i bought a DVD made by the PBS called "The Greeks-crucible of civilization" is about 140 minutes long narrated by Liam Neeson made in 1999...the commentary is a must hear it seems these folks were living by this big plateau looking thing which came to be called the acropolis which means high place and one day a fellow named Peisistratus showed up with a tall beautiful young woman and he said she was the goddess Athena...OK sure...she was actually from the next village over but back then (as now) a tall beautiful woman can make the old thinking a little this guy says since me and Athena here are pals you should make me the king of this place...and so they did...well this guy eventually sort of made the locals mad and they decided to have a vote...they voted on everything every 9 days they voted...a black stone meant no and a white stone meant yes to whatever it was they were voting on...this voting stuff (called democracy) got the people so energized that they built the Parthenon and carved beautiful statues and generally built a heavy duty city state...which lasted about 250 years when they bit off more than they could chew and got their butts kicked...they sent several hundred boats (triremes) to Sicily to whoop on them and got beat so bad that it only took 24 boats to bring the survivors back...the people of Athens did not even know what had happened until a guy who went into the barbershop got to chatting with the barber and he mentioned that he had been in the neighborhood and knew how bad the Athenians got their butts kicked...serious bummer...well it only got worse...anyhow a good story about the Parthenon being built was that the huge blocks of marble were brought from the quarry by mule teams ( i am assuming in wagons)...well there was a mule that got too old to pull the wagons but it liked to walk along side the other mules to keep itself busy...good mule it you ask me...also the director said they looked high and low for a model of the Parthenon but could not find one...UNTIL...they found one in...wait for NASHVILL, TENNESSE...who knew...

"The reason , Earth is short-/And anguish absolute-/And many hurt,/But, what of that                               I reason, we could die-/The best vitality/Cannot excel Decay,/But, what of that                                         I reason, that in heaven-/Somehow, it will be even-/Some new Equation, given-/But, what of that?                                                                                                  EMILY DICKENSON (1862)