Thursday, November 16, 2023

"The germ of dissolution..."

                                     home sweet desert...near the cargo muchacho mountains
                                                 el centro is right up the road a ways...

i see where ms. Omar has filed a "resolution of disapproval" to stop the usa from supplying the Israeli military with bombs...however smart they may be...5000 dead children...sounds dumb to me...

i watched a movie a few days ago that i feel compelled to comment on..."Altered" (2006) 88 min. directed by eduardo sanchez with "creature" make-up by mike elizade...the movie is about some "good ol' boys" who go out into the swamp to capture a stupid alien monster hereafter referred to as SAM...these fellows are not strong on brain seems that one "Timmy", brother of one of the guys was killed by SAM and now they seek revenge...they find one of these creatures and wrap it and chain it and haul it to the home of a friend nearby...the friend is too stupid to say no but his girlfriend ain't no fool and decides to get out of dodge...but she is detained by so called boy friend and tied to the bed and DUCT TAPE is put over her mouth...duct tape plays a bit part in this movie...the boyfriend is a nit wit and the SAM bites on the guys and is butt ugly...the creature is sort generic ugly with large teeth borrowed from half a dozen other moves so fast you can not see how it is built but it likes to as ugly as this monster is once it bites someone they sort of break out with a serious case of elizade has done great job of creating very disgusting humans gone wrong... until the last 20 minutes or so i have no complaints about the acting or the directing or anything else...but the dialogue goes all to hell when the monster is loose and the girls boyfriend starts to tell the monster to take him and leave the others lone...what a of the bite victims has decayed into an open sore and they keep telling him he will make it...and the other one gets into a tug of war with his own intestines with the monster and he finally ends up stuffing is intestines back into is stomach...sort of (one of the better intestine shots is in "Machete" when mr Machete swings down the side of a building on someones intestines...) anyhow one guy pleads to be killed and he is finally it turns out the girl (Hope) is the only one who has enough guts (so to speak) to come in with a pistol an blow SAMs brains out ; the boy-friend says that if the  monster is killed the whole monster clan will kill the entire human race...if these clowns are any example of the human race they deserve to be whacked...anyhow the last 20 minutes should have been re-written in my critical opinion...the girl is worth saving but the rest of the lot ain't worth pissin' on...even the sheriff's deputy is a loser...a dead loser

if you want to watch some seriously depressing on utube there is "Daniel Schmachterberger" introduction to the meta-crisis...i think the lecture on the Cerruti Mastodon is much more interesting as the speaker shows the evidence being used to say the 130,000 year old mastodon was eaten by a homimid in california..

 "The germ of dissolution of our federal government  is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body, (for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and  little tomorrow and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States and the government of all be consolidated into one."   Thomas Jefferson (letter)

Friday, November 10, 2023

"It is the first step..."

 glad to see the foxes and the kangaroo rats still live antelope squirrel yet

i am living the dream that  wernher von braun had when he saw the first satellite hurled into space on his rockets...he said that the entire globe would be able to access information in the future... i sit in the desert/forest/swamp/etc and and able to see what is posted online...such as "Alan Watts on Carl Jung and the Philosophy of Good and Evil"...a must see posting...also "Face your Dark side" Carl Jung and the Shadow...also saw B. Obama in a 45 min. dialogue on AI...glad to know he is still in there making reason popular again...

i see where China has taken back their inbred pandas...when i was in the national zoo thee was a baby elephant across the sidewalk from the panda which i much preferred to watch...i view more than intellectual stuff however and would recommend Jason Salmon "Bisquits and Gravy" and Mark Normand "out to Lunch"......i crunch my big toe as i got out of the truck this morning and for a while had the "Byronic Limp"...but all better now....i did view "The Expendable" 1-2-3 and was seldom hears a action hero like stallone say " i just go my ass kicked"...i heard the best line i have yet heard on "The Sopranos" last night when tony tells his son that he needs to "kiss gods as for the rest of your life"...great stuff....

"It is the first step in sociological wisdom to recognize that major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the societies in which they occur; like unto an arrow in the hand of a child. The art of free society consists first in the maintenance of the symbolic code; and secondly, in the fearlessness of revision, to secure that the code serves those purposes which satisfy an enlightened reason. Those societies which cannot combine reverence to their symbols with Freedom of revision must ultimately decay either from anarchy, or from the slow atrophy of a life stifled buy useless shadows, "  Alfred North Whitehead..."Symbolism. Its meaning and Effect."

Friday, November 3, 2023

"Mens indignation, it seems"

                                      can in the desert with bayonet stab wounds
                                   remains of the tank tracks from training of Patton's troops

effects of wars last a long long time...Hillel the elder a revered Jewish religious leader was asked   what was the essence of Judaism....his reply was "Do unto others as you would have done to you." of the most quoted phrases from the Moslem holy book is "Allah is merciful"... so we can pretty much rule out religion as the cause of the current conflict in Israel and Palestine...i picked up a DVD called "30 days" created by Morgan Spurlock...all of the segments were great but one which is a good insight into the Moslem faith is called "Muslims in American" about a devout Christian who spends 30 days in a predominantly Muslim community and dresses as a Moslem eats as a Moslem  and prays 5 times a day with the Moslem's (as a Christian) is quite interesting how this man deals with this change in his life and how it changes his world of the better discussions on the internet is from the Ralph Nader radio hour segment called "Strategy of Annihilation", Nader's family is from Lebanon and he is not in favor of the current US relationship with Israel...

i have watched several Robert Sapolsky lectures and one of the better ones is called "Biological Underpinnings of Religiosity"...also there is  a lecture on "Brian Gender" which is very informative and should be viewed by anyone who wants to stay relevant about the multitude of gender issues...i see where the Musk Mellon said something about the term "CIS" being anti heterosexual...according to Sapolsky CIS has to do with how one views themselves not who one has sex with...

i see where is is becoming popular in some circles to criticize  ms spears the entertainer...she apparently has some issues (as we all do) and she is still wealthy...i would recommend  that she spend some "face time" with ms "Jewel" ( i dont know if that is her first name or her last name) but she is another pretty blond entertainer except she spends some time in trying to reach some level of "self actualization"...,and did not take her "stardom" to define her...and she is a good yodeler...

"Mens indignation it seems is more excited by legal wrong than by violent wrong; the first looks like being cheated by an equal, the second like being compelled by a superior."  Thucydides