Wednesday, March 5, 2025

"Guerrilas win..."

way out in the desert livin' in a truck...must be nice! is!
i wondered why this creature needed two entrance holes...
a while back i saw a fig in the parking lot and realized that this is a fig tree usually found in the tropics...just add monkeys!

yep, its a hula-baloo in government now...musk the monster is firing people from the largest employer in the USA...about time!...i heard that the FBI building is up for is it that the executive branch of government can eliminate the judicial branch of government?...i guess as long as they keep paying my social security i won't have to go feral and start eating critters from the animal rescue...i have been watching the hog eliminator youtube presentations...way too many feral pigs and not enough folks eating them...and the non-native birds, and the iguanas , and lets not forget the nutria..etc....this country is "determined to be starved before it is hungry"...the best hog cleaning video i watch was "How to clean a wild hog" by Jman Random (40min) he insists the skin must be left on the hog for the best grilling so he burns the hair off with a propane torch,(A. Bourdain would agree)  another good youtube i watched was "Amazing process of making 4 axes from a leaf spring"...if you want to know what "can do" attitude is, this is it...ralph naders latest radio hour came down pretty hard on the honesty (or lack there-of) of the Israeli the title it is inferred that the Palestinians will never give up...that is a suicidal approach to their problem...i was in central america once and was talking to a Finnish woman who had just come from nicaruagua where she talked to the folks there and she said most of them could give a fat rats ass about the form of government since they had been at war for nearly two decades... i just read a great book called "Vietcong Memoir) by Truong Nhu Tang (1985) it is interesting how the upper echelon of any government seems to not care too much what hardships the common folks endure...i am listening to some DVD's about the life of the common folk in ancient was even worse then...the ancient greeks abused about half of the citizens as they were hardly even seen as humans...not very enlightened!

so i typed out "Teatsqueezer" on youtube and there is a colored boy who seems to have been pretty busy using the name and recommending crime in that...i watched the first one and was not favorably impressed. my observation is that first of all so called "hiphop" has largely lost it's is banal and non-creative and emphasizes stupid stuff like bling and sex and drugs, alcohol and toughness...well now that i think about it the country western music seems to have the same things...with some patriotism thrown in sometimes...anyhow. the colored boy who is blowing smoke at the camera and I imagine he had a lot of help in putting together this collection..(possibly government ).i think there are some "black folks" who want to "sample" (steal) all of my "intellectual property"...insofar as i have never made a dime from any of it and except for my characters in my writing i relinquished the copyrite i will be dead and gone soon enough and i don't want to see Styrofoam "Teatsqueezers" in the walmart...i read that "Hello Kitty" makes about 4 billion dollars a year...i don't care for that character at all...miss moo i like however..

well now i have to pee so i will sign off

"Guerrillas win if they don't loose. A standard army loses if it does not win" Henry Kissinger (1968)