Friday, September 13, 2024

"There is, by Gods grace..."

it's that time of year
i saw a picture of a rare bee recently...i looked kind of like this
this is the largest ant species i have seen here
a very handsome spider that snatched a bug then disappeared

i listened to about 30 minutes of the trump/harris encounter...hardly a debate...  i was perusing my notebooks and found some phrases which i think i used 4 years ago or more...

propter odium et atiam=accusation made due to malice....per incuriam= lack of adherence to the laws of facts...and especially...writ de Idiota inquirendo= inquiry into whether a person is an idiot..."...he may be a fool, but he's our fool, and if they think they are better than him the're wrong..." thanks randy...

i read where looking at pornography can raise a persons testosterone level...if they do no low testosterone has caused me some problems that may be worse than the benefits of low loss of muscle mass, fatigue, weight gain, possible cardio vascular disease, and also growing girl titties...damn i wish i had been advised of these possible side effects. so i looked at some porn last week...first time in about 20 months..since THE SHOT...actually i looked for porn about 20 hours and looked at porn for about 12 the way when the government gives you a phone you can assume that they will monitor said phone to their hearts content...unfortunately they are never contented...anyhow the testosterne count may have come up...i feel more energized than before when inspiration was only in my imagination...

i heard i had lost several of the readers of my blog...the numbers went from 12 to 8 from what i can tell...there were nasty stories being spread about my possible involvement in a menagerie a trois...pure speculation i assure you but my pickled pig lips sponsor was alarmed and threatened to limit me to one pig lip per month and the teat bag balm sponsor said that they are taking my sponsorship under advisement...durn their scurvy butts!...refer to richard Krafft Ebbing...perhaps those pesky immigrants ate the missing readers...yeah that's it they were eaten!

its is a good thing that ms. harris was called on in time...

"There is, by Gods grace, an immeasurable distance between late, and too late." madame Swetchine

as an afterthought which is always with me there is a legal phrase..."conspiracy to commit computer intrusion..."...



Friday, September 6, 2024

"...because it consumes labor..."

small yellow spider...this one was on a plant with some yellow flowers...there were also small green spiders of the same species which were on plants with more green
this cricket looking critter was with another one about half the size...perhaps a mated pair...this one was about two inches long...they were under a rock...

A 14 YEAR OLD ADULT?!...i dont think so...the usual incompetence which goes with someone else being victimized by the justice department...was the assault rifle owned by someone who is in "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA!?" as the constitution calls for...several hundred dead in the USA this year by "mass shooters" which i think means 4 or more shot within 24 hours by the same person...

and i am still having nightmares about the gaza hostages and the gaza slaughtered...i also had a long vivid dream about camels...they appeared to be arabian camels and they were being ridden...whats that all about?...

saw this beauty on Utube named Embla Matilde Njerva from norway who was an Olympic pole vaulter...she did well and there was a site which showed female olympic high jumpers, long jumpers and pole vaulters...15, 16, and 17 year olds in slow motion...all thin and strong...the reason that this age females make the best rock climbers is the strength to weight ratio allows them to creep up the rocks without their own body weight pulling them down...i was going to call ms. Njerva a greek goddess but there was a young woman from greece who also did well...

i watched a pretty good movie on utube called "Doublecrossed" which is about a fellow named adler berriman seal... known as Barry Seal...he was gunned down at the salvation army in baton rouge where he had been ordered to stay by a federal judge after a trial in which he implicated some very powerful drug dealers from south was generally considered to be a death sentence as he was not allowed to have a gun either...there was also a good documentary from WBRZ television called "Uncle Sam wants You"...where mr seal was interviewed by the t v station and they were at a place filming a drug deal at mr seals request...i grew up in the same town where mr seal lived and know from first hand experience that crooked government officials are not uncommon in louisiana ...i think that mr seal must have known that the incarceration of these drug kingpins would make them show that a lot of government officials are less than honest...such is was repeatedly said that mr seal had Central Intelligence Agency connections which allowed him to repeatedly fly loads of drugs from central and south america without being apprehended...there is a hell of a lot of information on the internet about the CIA and the international drug trade...insofar as the CIA is a "clandestine" oriented organization they do not really have the opportunity to explain the details of their work...but it is known as the "puzzle palace" for a reason.

this is my receipt for the last time i stayed at the salvation army in was a  dirty smelly corrupted place which should have been shut wilson was not the desk clerks real name probably...just a suggestive alias...

i watched some very good music on utube this week "Stan Getz Quartet at the London School of Economics (1966)...great music and good camera work

also i saw a short item about a woman named Clairo in the new yorker magazine so i looked her up on utube and watched her "viral" first appearance...she is Charming with a capital "C"  however the viral segment was several years of her newer contributions was called "Zinnias" which had more musical instruments...these women who sing so softly fail to raise my blood pressure...although astrud gilberto sang softly to good effect...i do like the janis joplin and florence welch style of belting them out....each to his own right...

"...because it consumes labor disproportionate to it's utility..."Samuel Johnson giving his opinion of ornamental architecture...which can be said about most of humans endeavors...

Friday, August 30, 2024

" enliven morality..."

so my birthday  was last month...this is the woman responsible...very cute!
porcupine skull at the top...bright yellow spider on a bright yellow flower...obviously more adjustments needed on the camera
listened to some good philosophy this week...giorgio Agamben was recommended by philosophize this so i looked up the site "Living on the margins; Agambens Homo sacer explained" "(7:28)(serenity of reason)...very radical views about the people who are sometimes called corpus vile...people without value in society so anything can be done to them...also i watched a documentary called "brilliant pebbles the rods from god...a brief history of kinetic orbital bombardment"....basically it is about taking light pole sized solid metal rods into space and dropping them back into earths gravity...they reach spectacular speeds and cause great kinetic power without explosives...whoa buddy!...carl jungs "the red book" is well worth listening to as it is about human psychology both positive and negative..."Carl Jung on "Wotan" what led to the rise of fascism and WWII."..i think judeo-fascism is becoming more common...i found a great documentary about the founding of the nazi organization called the SS a fellow named whistler put this online...very think it can not happen here!? think again...Philosophize this segment #185 is "should we prepare for an AI revolution" very current views about the so called intelligence developments in play today...i downloaded "TELEGRAM" on my phone...i think it must be for people who are much more secretive than i am...i have only made one phone call on my new government issued phone and it was to the phone service on the other phone...they pretty much told me i had blown 30 bucks on my additional time and that i should get the card from the dollar i suppose we are getting into that part of the election where "transitory bumpiness" may raise it's ugly head...
it is good to know that shanghai is the first Chinese city to have 500 kentucky fried chicken restaurants...thats a lot of chickens being eaten...

" enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality..." motto of "The Spectator"


Friday, August 23, 2024

"Old age has been charged..."

the rain has brought good grazing to the livestock in the mountain pasturage in this area...


awoke to ukraine soldiers featured on the news with the drone operators showing how effective they can be in destruction...even at 3 in the morning the information flows...way too many political advertisements...unfortunately this election for the head of the executive branch of the government of the USA seems to have taken a turn for the desperate...both sides predicting apocalypse if the other side gets elected...i think there will be drastic events regardless of which side gets into office...we are just at a time in history where the physical realities mandate that change will take place...besides the inevitable climatic changes the reality of an increasing population of humans and a reduction of available natural resources sort of sets the stage for some drama....alas and alack as usual an orderly transition into fundamental changes is not likely to happen....soooo....disorderly change will happen...but change is on the way...

got a notice on the phone yesterday morning about a 6 year old boy who went missing at the lava caves a few mile down the road from where i was...then 4 hours later got a notice that an 8 year old boy had been found...aged two years in 4 hours...must have been a magic cave...i looked at some cheap GPS tracking devices online a few weeks ago...might be a good investment for folks to put one of these things on their their kids for instance...

i looked at some interesting movies is called "Swamp Fire"...with buster crabbe and johnny weismuller both of whom were Olympic swimmers and played Tarzan in the movies...the story takes place in south louisiana and deals with boat captains in the southern  regions  of the looked familiar...another movie was "Swamp Water" which deals with the Okefenokee swamps and was directed by Jean Renoir son of the famous has a very young walter huston and a very young walter brennon and several very young other eventually well know actors...the cinematography is excellent...there is a DVD which i picked up with a movie called "Barbarella" (1968) which i had never seen before was a big deal back is actually quite creative and being before there was very sophisticated "special effects" they make good use of physical stage settings such as shag carpeting...this film stars a very young jane is a sort of a "lost in space" meets "austin powers" type expression of modernity...unfortunately ms fonda decided to go to north vietnam and "provide aid and comfort to the enemy" and her popularity was diminished...(she should have been thrown in prison)...anyhow the film is worth watching... 

i found an interesting YOUTUBE account called "The wicked fruits of Amalek" which is about the old testament character so named who was told by the old testament god to annihilate all the men women and children and livestock of their enemy who had attacked them...i think some of the attitude of the current crop of annihilators is based on these historical renditions...god forbid anyone should make their actions coincide with three thousand year old accounts of military encounters..."vanity vanity all is vanity"

i like to watch old television shows on DVD because they have no commercial of my favorites is "Maverick" with james garner...the later maverick where he moves to a small town in southern arizona and owns a bar and a ranch outside of town... one of my favorite episodes is called "The Mayflower Women's Historical Society"... all of the characters are very well played and this particular episode deals with "illicit ardor" which sort of in a very mild way portrays the choices women make in choosing who they grant their "favors" to...the choice is theirs...garner liked to push the envelope..

"Old age has been charged with being insensible to pleasure and the enjoyments arising from the gratification of the senses- a most blessed and heavenly effect, truly, if it eases us of what in youth was the sorest plague of life."



Thursday, August 22, 2024

"What hate required these things..."

 decided to stealth film this hole entrance beneath a rock...probably a rock squirrel=Citellus variegatus the markings seems to me to have some california ground squirrel markings...lots of kaibab squirrels in this area but i have never seen this species...

encountered the usual harassment at this site on the pipeline in kaibab national forest...seems there is a lot of "outlaw" inhabitants in this neck of the woods....

lots of news about the gaza/israel perpetual hateful encounters...i finished watching the last segment of the "Elusive Peace" DVD...don't mean to sound negative but i think that these desert tribal people have spent so many thousands of years raiding each others camps that they still have  a lot of the genetic predisposition  to raid and slaughter and steal...i think maybe Netanyahu is a modern day Josephus and he just wants to be the "last man standing"...

i was listening to the "philosophize this" segment on erasmus and thought this observation about the myriad of ways humans have decided to "worship" were not unlike my own..."What hate required these things at your hand, in vain they make their idle pleas, one that has lived only on fish, one that he has never changed his sacred hood, this one that he has lost his voice by continual singing the holy anthems, and one has forgotten how to speak in his strict obedience to his vow to silence, our savior will interrupt their excuses and say "woe unto you, you scribes and pharisee, I know you not.  I left you but one precept of loving one another and I do hear anyone plead that he has faithfully discharged this"

Friday, August 16, 2024

"The prosperity of a people..."

found abandoned at the campsite...
does the ant feed on the bugs?
for a fly this is a handsome fellow
a woman said this was a bolete mushroom...i don't think so!
two large rats and 8 mice snapped at the grocery box this week...the ants, coyotes and the ravens liked it

i took the opportunity to listen to the 2 hour "conversation" between trump and musk...i have only made it through half of this encounter thus far...i highly recommend that anyone with an interest in trumps mental state listen to this...unfortunately there has been some rude remarks about trumps speech...first it was his hair then it was his body is inconsequential compared to the rest of his orientation...musk was very soothing and agreeable...he is obviously looking for a job...not born here so he can not be president...but he really wants to be...the conversation about climate change was not based on any science i ever heard of..i picked up a collection of DVD's entitled "The nature of matter: Understanding the physical world" by prof. david Bell (2015) lecture # 17 is entitled "The air we breath"...this 30 minute lecture is well illustrated and explains why the parts per million of carbon in the air is important...neither musk or trump seemed to have a good grasped of the concept of global warming...i have noticed that wealthy people view the seriousness of global warming differently from the less affluent...

I also heard a mr jamie diamond speak intelligently about the economic situation globally...his stance rejects the bickering that seems to dominate the conversation...

as i sat with my lovely $40 classical guitar in my lap i came across a ms. Konstantina Andritsou who was playing a classical composition on her guitar...she was 7 years old...i almost cried knowing i would never be anything but a very mediocre player at most...i do however love the guitar

the tension in various places around the world is somewhat it time for CASTLE BRAVO!...lets hope not...

on a happier note i watched Andy Huggins "king of the one liners" is an old guy...and very funny

"The prosperity of a people is proportionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed. To the community, sedition is a fever, corruption is a gangrene, and idleness is an atrophy. Whatever body or society wastes more than it acquires, must gradually decay; and every being that contrives to be fed, and ceases to labor takes away something from the public stock."  not sure who wrote this...maybe johnson?...


Friday, August 9, 2024

"Ain't no holy cows..."

little spiders everywhere
little lizards somewhere
russula(white) changes to lobster(orange) lots of these
watched this bird for several hours...probably a rufus
found lots of cans of colored hair spray in the thrift for a buck each...stencils next

weirdwokeweirdwokeweird  wokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwoke ...nope makes no sense to me...

watched 2 of 3 segments of a PBS produced DVD called "Elusive Peace" israel and the arabs... 2005...arafat and sharon and clinton and bush...same un relenting crap that goes on now... it does not seem very likely that these so called leaders will ever stop slaughtering innocents...

while watching "Bones" (season 8) Sweets the shrink said the term 'HYPER-AROUSAL)...i wrote it in my notebook for future reference...the segment was about some african refugees who had been boy soldiers...i youtubed the term and was directed to a dr allan schore speaking on "hyper-arousal, disassociation and the inability to take in comfort." ,,,it is a very good talk and there are a couple of other talks he gives with this one...all useful information...

also robert sapalsky #22 "emergence and complexity" is well worth watching...

"little chinese everywhere" has a new segment where she takes her 125 suzuki motorcycle way high into the tibetian mountains to see a couple of remote lakes...great drone footage as usual

also i like to watch "SABBATICAL" who is a white guy from new york who speaks fluent chinese and was in china for 7 years according to himself...he obviously has a death wish as he searches out dicey places and dicey characters all across the globe...his latest trip is to nicaragua where he swims in i suppose lake nicaragua which has bull sharks a-plenty...he speaks pretty good spanish and says that everyone should travel to this communist narco-state...i dont think so!

found a Sierra Ferrell song called "Rosemary" which is one of the best i have seen on the internet...great vocals, great guitar, and lyrics reminiscent of Florence Welch who has a tune about witches and one about snatching someones eyeball out of the socket....what are these women thinking about! 

also saw a painting called "Lassitude" by Gari Melchers...makes you want to lay down for a rest...

"Aint no holy cows/ Aint no evil sows/ Aint no points / For them that bows/Aint no holy rocks/And all them chants/ Won't open locks/If God made Nature/God can't be pleased/ To see this planet / With the build disease/ But God might be pleased/ If you can help? the least of these...MRY