Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Niggerization is the result of oppression-..."

copyright Bootlegcircus@blogspot.com

folks are getting preyed upon
did you notice
the banks
the landlords
everybody wants to burn the poor people

i think the usa forgot to look at the triage aspect
of our war effort
priorities ya know

i have been hearing about becoming a citizen in the usa
if you sign up for the military
you get a good shot of being allowed to stay

four dollars and thirty one cents american dollars
or fifty seven mexican pesos
that is the 2011 legal minimum wage in mexico
per day
i looked it up

it seems to me that if mexico were to get some
legitimate help from the usa
like maybe help rooting out violent gangsters
that would be a very fine country to be in
i would like to spend some time there
all the beaches are tropical beaches
the mountains are nice
the people are nice
but the damned violence
hell no

so if you enlisted the persons from mexico
who are here
to join the military
and agree to return to mexico
to fight for their country
it might make the place livable
those other countries where we have
spent so much time and money
are not our neighbor
we are in a hell of a fix now
but not too late to help
mexico and ourselves

canada seems to be o k

i was listening some of the current ideas
coming from the candidates for the
in chief
not really very inspiring
michell obama seems to have the only
sustainable plan
organic gardening
can not hardly go wrong with that

mmit robbed-me
right answers
wrong questions

the thin man
got to stay the course

better stay with
michell's husband

"Niggerization is the result of oppression-and it doesn't just apply to black people. Old people poor people, and students can also get niggerized."  Florynce R. Kennedy

got to go
mr. cayetano

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