Friday, January 18, 2013

"In the light of eternity..."


christmas day looking south

spent 12 days of christmas camped
near the levee
enjoyed most of it
weather very dynamic
expecting tornado's
they were spotted all around me
but never occurred close enough
to do more than make me contemplate
my mortality
thats a good thing

listened to the news on the
radio a lot
some news overwhelmingly sad
and i had to turn to reading
i had happened to pick up a book
a few months ago which i was reading
"Bad men do what good men dream"
by r j simon a forensic psychologist
very informative book
the author states that we all have
the potential to do extreme evil
we have to practice not doing it
berserkers have been around for
a long time and before guns they
bashed heads with clubs

i came across the term
aesthetic distance
in the book i read
"Death and Money in the afternoon"
about the history of bullfighting in spain
the term refers to the sense that what
is happening on stage is not happening
to you
i have noticed that this notion seems
to be increasingly absent in our society
i dont watch much television around
none at all actually
i listen to radio programs
i look at a lot of
trees and birds and raccoons and such
keeps me kind of centered
yesterday i watched 90 minutes
of television while in the health club
90 minutes
i got dragged through the cesspool
of life
dead non existent girlfriends
weapons dilemmas
economic collapse
dietary dilemmas
and on and on and on
the only problems i have
camping is
when i run out of food or water
then i have to go to town
sometimes i catch rainwater
and sometimes i pick wild fruit
which helps a lot

"Really to see the sun rise or go down
every day, so to relate ourselves to a
universal fact, would preserve us sane
forever."  H. D. Thoreau

i have some recommendations
i listened to an interview on
wwno radio program called
inside out with alan tousaint
which is well worth looking up
and i heard this fellow named
catfish keith on taylor cafferys
hootnany power music show
and i looked him up on utube
excellent guitar and vocals
he says he was influenced by a fellow
named joseph pence
i came across sonny boy williamson
singing nine degrees below zero
and playing the harmonica
this is the gold standard of blues
and a while back i bought a copy
of the 1932 movie rain directed by
lewis milestone with joan crawford
i was very impressed

"In the light of eternity we shall see
 that what we desired would have
been fatal to us, and that we would
 have avoided was essential to our
 well-being."            Fenelon

got to go
mr cayetano

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