Monday, February 25, 2013

"One did not need to have a timid and fearful nature...


went into the thrift store today
the sketch pad i wanted was gone
the bike i considered was gone
i went to the massive book section
loads of books
i have lots of books
but there was one i needed
i just did not know what it was
i kneeled down on the floor
and looked at the bottom shelf
on the very end
right there
first time
was the book i wanted
synchronicity- an acausal connecting principle
carl g jung
translated by r f c hull
50 cents
read this once years ago
need to read it again

still under close
very close scrutiny
the thought police have been
very hard at work
lots of stuff in my
file now
one fellow recently told me
my file goes back to
eighth grade
yeah i was a real tough cookie

my life has been
shall we say
negatively affected
by what one person called
bad police work
by bad police i might add
and i am a big supporter of
where ever they might be
unfortunately there is a massive
operation in the making which utilizes
"...the use of untested freelance informants
recruited under threat of prosecution."

i listened to a bbc storey a few days ago
about the chinese
re-education camps
for people who
i suppose
the stalking poisoning harassment
is to
re-educate me
well it is certainly
educating me
if not re-educating me

"One did not need to have a timid and fearful nature
 to be easily persuaded that the completion of this
 plea was a sheer impossibility.
Not because of laziness or constructive malice,
 which could only affect the advocate,
but because to meet an unknown accusation,
not to mention other possible charges arising
out of it the whole of ones life would have to
 be passed in review, down to the smallest
actions and accidents, clearly formulated
and examined from every angle."
              from   "the trial"   franz kafka

got to go
pleafully yours
mr cayetano

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

""Without depth of thought, or earnestness of feeling,.


wearing my green shirt this morning
blue shirt yesterday
red shirt then yellow shirt
got to keep the colored people off my back
world gone crazy
snakes teeth
eagle fingers
dog tongues
he is a six
she is an eight
what the hell is going on
hand jive
leg jive
foot jive
bobble heads
jung called them
psychic epidemics
i call them
look i have an american passport
born in this here part of the geography
not a space alien
ignorance is all the rage
heard a cop say that the kids
in chicago all had to be in a gang
just has to be that way he said
but lots of those kids are being
you do not have to be in
not a color
not a number
not an animal totem
and anyone who says you do
in this country
is lying to you
to hell with them
they are impinging on your rights
as an american
on your freedom of choice
to not belong
do not give up your freedom
without a fight
fashion is not fashionable
freedom is fashionable

"Without depth of thought, or earnestness of feeling,
 or strength of purpose, living an unreal life, sacrificing
 substance to show, substituting the fictitious for the
 natural, mistaking a crowd for society,
 finding its chief pleasure in ridicule, and
exhausting its ingenuity in expedients for killing
 time, fashion is among the last influences under
 which a human being who respects himself, or who
 comprehends the great end of life,
 would desire to be placed."
                                            William Ellery Channing

got to go,
unfashionably yours
mr cayetano

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"To despise the animal..."


listened to a report by a fellow
on the radio sunday evening
he talked about corruption
in louisiana
lots of corruption according to him
mainly folks in elected office
trying to augment their income
that sort of thing
probably part of the
highly esteemed
tradition i keep hearing about

several billion bucks
is missing from the money sent
to fight
the wars
not much said about that
probably part of the highly
regarded tradition
some more
lots of the money comes back to this
country to start
companies and corporations
which get a lot of government
go figure

i went out on several jobs last week
making that gulag wage of 7 dollars
and twenty five cents an hour
one job was for some guys who
were doing some building in a city park
the supervisor wore a usmc sticker
on his hardhat
at the end of the work day we chatted
about his security work in the middle east
he said he was making two thousand bucks
a day
he said he hated all of africa
said it was all corrupt
i told him the rhinos elephants and gorillas
in africa
were being poached into extinction
i asked him if he would go back to
africa to help train the wildlife conservationists
to protect the wildlife
he asked how much that paid
i said it did not pay anything
it was volunteer work
i think he thought i was crazy

i went to another job which was ending
and the construction foreman just spent
nearly three years building a casino
a pretty nice casino
as casinos go
i suppose
i always get asked the question
why in the hell dont you get a real
i dont know what that means exactly
whats more real than helping to build
a casino

so i was wondering about what people
will tell their grand children when
they ask
grand pa did you ever see a rhino
or an elephant
or a gorilla
before they went extinct

i spent several years as an animal
keeper and i cared for three
square lipped rhinos
mondo hitari and wagasa
lovely animals
sublimely so
when they moved the two females
to a new exhibit
the male
mr mondo
whined like a puppy
until they were reunited
i was profoundly shocked
i thought these animals were
not very emotional
but they are
and very much in need of saving
everyone should be a zookeeper
at one time of their life
or another
it will likely change how one
views the lives of our fellow
inhabitants on this planet

"To despise the animal basis of life,
to seek value only at the level of
conscious intelligence and rational
effort, is ultimately to lose one's
sense of cosmic relationships."
                     Lewis Mumford

ultimately yours
mr cayetano