Tuesday, February 19, 2013

""Without depth of thought, or earnestness of feeling,.

                                         copyright Bootlegcircus@blogspot.com

wearing my green shirt this morning
blue shirt yesterday
red shirt then yellow shirt
got to keep the colored people off my back
world gone crazy
snakes teeth
eagle fingers
dog tongues
he is a six
she is an eight
what the hell is going on
hand jive
leg jive
foot jive
bobble heads
jung called them
psychic epidemics
i call them
look i have an american passport
born in this here part of the geography
not a space alien
ignorance is all the rage
heard a cop say that the kids
in chicago all had to be in a gang
just has to be that way he said
but lots of those kids are being
you do not have to be in
not a color
not a number
not an animal totem
and anyone who says you do
in this country
is lying to you
to hell with them
they are impinging on your rights
as an american
on your freedom of choice
to not belong
do not give up your freedom
without a fight
fashion is not fashionable
freedom is fashionable

"Without depth of thought, or earnestness of feeling,
 or strength of purpose, living an unreal life, sacrificing
 substance to show, substituting the fictitious for the
 natural, mistaking a crowd for society,
 finding its chief pleasure in ridicule, and
exhausting its ingenuity in expedients for killing
 time, fashion is among the last influences under
 which a human being who respects himself, or who
 comprehends the great end of life,
 would desire to be placed."
                                            William Ellery Channing

got to go,
unfashionably yours
mr cayetano

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