Monday, September 30, 2013

"Men cannot labor always..."

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after long deliberation i have decided to continue with
my scribbles even though there is a campaign
afoot to deprive me of all of my so called intellectual
property   the leeches who have made it their business
to steal every damn thing i write and every photo that i
take will have to live with the knowledge that they are too
stupid to create there own little blog and must steal mine

the pot blog

the first line of a statement issued by the u s attorneys office in
portland oregon  8/29/13 is
marijuana poses a significant risk to public health...
then lists eight actions that their office plans to do to control
marijuana related conduct
the significant risk to public health statement is wrong and must
be abandoned
“Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” r.w.emerson
i drove by several vineyards last week and i heard no gunfire
walked by a micro brewery and i heard no gunfire
i camped on blm property and heard gunfire
and also on national forest land
there were no open hunting seasons at the time
the pot growers were warning me not to venture near their plants
“He that maketh haste to be rich will not be innocent.”  Proverbs 28:20
when there was a prohibition on alcohol for recreational use the sale of
bitters and medicines which were mostly alcohol boomed
and large criminal organizations controlled booze distribution
today it is medical marijuana which is the big lie
what happened with booze has happened with pot
law enforcement has to turn a blind eye and take a back seat
to crooks
“Man must not check reason by tradition, but contrariwise,
must check tradition by reason.” l tolstoy
in an article entitled “the department of weed control”
by vincent beiser in the july/august pacific standard
magazine the author writes that 80 percent of the pot
is consumed by 20 percent of the users which is about
the same as alcohol users
he also states that 25 percent of the pot is used by persons
under the age of 21 years
this may to quote montaigne
“...evaporate the too vehement heat of their youth...’
or in modern parlance
they be chillin
very few folks sit down and drink shots of 190 proof everclear
grain alcohol
and see how long they can remain coherent
but the trend in pot use is just that
i read an interview with a mr dogg
who went to Jamaica with some weed which he shared
with a religious group and as he said
“knocked they faces off...’
too damn bad
pot is a fine social lubricant and when the general public
is allowed to freely participate in the development
of cultivators and blends we will have at our disposal
an enjoyable herb with which to recreat along with the products
of the 149 oregon breweries and many wineries

Men can not labor always. They must have recreation.
And if they have it not from healthful sources, they will very
likely to take if from poisoned fountains. Or if they have
pleasures, which, though innocent, are forbidden,
 by the maxims of public morality, their very pleasures
are liable to become poisoned fountains.” Orville Dewey

such is the view of this
citizen of the circus

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"The greatest strength and wealth is self control." Pythagoras

                                 eye eye eye eye

ever get the feeling that you might be attracting too
much attention
well duh
even in the depths of the temperate rain forest
the pimps and the punks abound
there are way too many folks who are either
pimping for the cops
or being punks for the crooks
a whole generation has taken up a
world view which makes them
etc etc etc

so even as we speak
i wonder to what extent my
intellectual property
as i stop to pull out my memory card
is being pilfered

recently i spent some time writing
in the luxury of my folding chair
at the end of a logging road
several essays which i had hoped
to hoped to send into the blogggg-o-spere
but by the time i had reached an online terminal
folks were approaching me and quoting
my notebooks back to me
holy macaroni
now who would be so evil as to
steal my writing right out of my notebooks
apparently lots of folks
that is the shape of the world we live in i am afraid
pimps and punks
and a few
a very view righteous folks

Friday, September 6, 2013

"Therefore, Simplicius..."

                                 Homeless raccoon- amazon creek

latest homeless joke
what do you give a homeless man
a 10 thousand dollar funeral
pretty funny eh
pretty sick
a fixture in de-troit died
homeless man
no money to dispose of his carcass
he is in the fridge with lots of other
indigent folks
lots of money is donated to bury the guy
if they had donated before he was dead
his life could have been lived out with some
comfort and dignity
but no
i heard a radio report which said more companies
are letting employees off for up to
eight hours a year
with pay
to do volunteer work
lie work in soup kitchens
tears came to my eyes when i heard this
tears of laughter
why don't these folks show up at the state
capital and lobby for a higher minimum wage
is this line dead

i walked over to the local protest square
first i talked to a young guy who said he
was an occupier
he spoke of the chinese takeover
and of the helpful anarchist
he was kind of pre-occupied if you ask me
then i walked across the street to the
asleep at the wheel movement
lots of sub-standard tents in the square
lame lame lame
seems they need a place to camp
they need better camping gear first
i have a good book on tents of the world
many cultures live in tents all the time
good tents warm tents felt tents
anyhow i suggested a bus ride of less than
two bucks to the national forest where the
nurtureing wood gods would help to soothe
their worried minds
it worked for me
i did mention that they would need
an ax a shovel and three gallons of water
so as to not burn the forest down
anyhow that was my suggestion
i feel bad about the poor raccoons who have
been dispalced by inconsiderate people
elbowing them out of they homes
the racoons dont have bus fare you see

"Therefore, Simplicius, come either
with arguments and demonstrations, and
bring us no more Texts and authorities,
for our disputes are about the Sensible
World, and not one of Paper."
 from dialogue concerning the two chief
world systems"
by galileo