Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Hide from our eyes...

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warrmer and wet
wet and warmer
listening to radio
trump and limbaugh
screeching global warming is a
they are a hoax
a bad dream
trump says we must be
with china and abandon
all those damned
environmental laws
I think he has some
reality issues

“Not only no result will foolish
counsel’s show,
But to disaster oft they doom mankind.”
                 Phaedrus “Fables I.

then i watched a science documentary
about the earth
from the inside out
inside planet earth
very good
and near the end
they interview scientists
and they say
there is this
the south atlantic anomaly
which shows that the
magnetic field
is 30% weaker off the coast
of brasil and along the equator
and when the magnetic
field disappears
all the water and air
will disappear
makes global warming seem
pretty lame
i figure
the only way to live is
as if I might die
at any time
which of course is

“Hide from our  eyes what
fortune has in store.
And grant that he who fears may
also hope.”  Lucan

hoping for a good
mr cayetano

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