Friday, May 1, 2015

been more than a month since i wrote in this blog
i took a lot of photos which i wanted to post
but the situation does not now permit me to post them
seems my writing has caused some upsetment to some
well thats too damned bad

intrepid reporter Corno di Bassetto interviews

mr. Norbert D. Newt we have gotten a report that you
are seeking to file a wrongful driving suit against this man here
Mr. Bubba P. Cooterbutt
thats right sir, as you can see this perso has driven his truck
right through out house, me and Mr. Greene E. Frogg.
We both live here in this little puddle of water on the side of the
road. He come through here on a regular basis and drives that
big tire truck right through out house. It is not legal and he should be
arrested and fined and his truck taken away and such as that.

Well, Mr. Cooterbutt, as we can see the puddle of water has been
driven through and it is not legal and your truck is covered in mud.
Do you have anything to say about that.

yeah, I dont care a hoot about no lizards and toad frogs,
I like to drive in the mud and i got big tires, what I paid
a lot of money fer, and I like to get the truck all muddy and
drive around town and show of cause the girls like it.
so there.

Mr. Norbert D. Newt what do you have to say about that?

The man is a person of little class, no intellect and a poop.
We amphibian need water to live and the puddles are how
we stay alive. Let that ignoramous go to someplace where
he can be a fool without destroying our home.
 do you have something to say mr Greene E. Frogg

he runned over our house he runned over our house he runned over our house

well we will sign off for now until we have out report
on Mr. Larry O. Loudgunn

good day corno di bassetto

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