timber harvested mountainside
brush rabbit young
i have been watching this mountainside
for a couple of years
it has occurred to me that the soil is organic
because there has been nothing put on it\
for 30 or 40 years
some folks do not want the timber
companies to spray poison to kill the plants
that inhibit the growth of the trees that have been
planted to be harvested again in 40 or 50 years.
i have walked in the forests before they are harvested
and there is a lot of marketable growth that the
timber companies do not bother with
the herbs and many of the other plants have
monetary value as well as some of the non-timber trees
it seems to me that if the timber companies would allow
people to pay a fee to go in a couple of years before
harvest time and remove what has value
and let organic growers come in after the timber is
harvested and plant the fir trees and mulch for herbs
or whatever plants they might want to grow for profit
the symbiotic relationship between the community
and the timber companies would be enhanced
and more capital would be available to the capitalists
and the brush rabbit would be happier
just a thought
"Humans, it appears, are successful not because of an
elevated general intelligenece that addresses all challanges
but because they are born to be specialists in social skills.
By cooperating through the communication and reading
of intention, groups accomplish far more than the effort of any
one solitary person." Edward O. Wilson "The Social Conquest of Earth"
give it a try
mr. cayetano
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