Saturday, October 20, 2018

"The issues can be stated very briefly:"

recent events have led me to conclude that my opinions
have been determined to be somehow toxic and that perhaps
my entire life has taken on the aura of something not good.

what has indeed happened is after 30 years of being harassed
and nearly stomped out of existence by roughnecks and cads
I have become notorious for being a live person, and not a cadaver.
yep...still have a pulse on the old wrist...

there has been an abandonment of any semblance of adherence to
constitutional law and civility.

"If we ever pass out as a great nation, we ought to put on our tombstone,
"America died of the delusion she had moral leadership."  Will Rogers

America needs to be good before it can be great. and being good is
not very popular right now.

We must not accept the notion that everyone has the right to record
the conversations of others and transmit them to the world.
It is a grave mistake to allow this to happen and not be commented on.

"The issues can be stated very briefly: Who will be controlled? Who
will exercise control? What type of control will be exercised? Most
important of all, toward what end or purpose, or in the pursuit of what
value, will control be exercised?"  Carl Rogers

who was a therapist by the way

got to go

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