Friday, June 21, 2019


                                              Gulf coast box turtle=Terrapene carolina major

began cooking my oatmeal with raisins and bananas this morning
suddenly a wild animal comes crashing out of the forest
it is the same turtle that came to visit 4 days ago
looking for a favorite meal- bananas...preferably soft ripe bananas
I accidentally spilled some oatmeal and banana on the ground and like
a shark on an injured fish the turtle pounces...and devours  the bananas
then disappears into the forest again...until next time...

this bit of information from a science magazine...
on average between 100 and 200 new species of frogs
are described each year...

you see if you bring a plant or and animal to a scientist
someone who is expert in that field of study has to examine it
and decided if it is new to science according to existing information
so a lot of work goes into "describing a new species to science"

ANTHROPOPHILES= species existing well with humans


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