Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"I was already refusing to have taste..."

                             last week the surgeon general of the USA made a statement
                             about the use of pot and the possible hazards

i thought this was an informative article about pot
not too much for it and not too much against it
but with some well researched advice

there is an author named Charles Baudelaire who was reputed
to be a rather dissolute fellow but who according to his
essays entitled "Artificial Paradise" was against the use of
Hash which I assumed would include all cannabis
This fellow said that his reason for not using hash was that
it deprived him of the one thing which he was not willing
to relinquish...which was his will power...I would have to concur
with this appraisal of the use of pot...at least for me...

"I was already refusing to have taste. I forbade myself to
have it. I know that the cultivation of it would not have
refined me but softened me."  Jean Genet


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