Thursday, November 14, 2019

"Letter writing is a form of speech..."

                        this morning at KOFA   kings valley... with coffee
                          and a full moon over my shoulder

just when i am ready to go full snark
i read some of my book of buddhist
world views by thich nhat hanh
and i get a dose of the better side
and there goes inspiration for scorched earth

i still regret writing about D. Trumps hair...of
all things... when EVERYBODY was doing it.
can't get it back now
so although I, like most people like a good
scorched earth screed now and can
get to be a real I will try to limit
my harsh views as much as possible and spend
more energy on trying to water the good seeds

"Letter writing is a form of speech. A letter can sometimes
be safer than speaking because there is time for you to read
what you have written before sending it. As you read your
words you can visualize the other person receiving your letter
and decide if what you have written is skillful and appropriate.
Your letter has to water the seeds of transformation in the other
person and stir something in their heart if it is to be called
If any phrase can be misunderstood or upsetting, rewrite it.
Right mindfulness tells whether you are expressing the truth
in the most skillful way. Once you have mailed your letter,
you cannot get it back." THICH NHAT HANH


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