Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"I do not avoid women..."

     life in the shadows

been watching my Art History DVDs...one of them mentioned the "Iconoclastic Rage" (8/28/1566)         which was quite a long time ago but just goes to illustrate the destructive power of totalitarian                influences...these folks destroyed all the art that they figured was "iconoclastic"...what a bunch of           morons...and they are still with us! the Chinese government did the same thig in China and of course     the ISIS folks and also various and assorted religiously based coalitions here and abroad...                      the great thing about living in a democracy...well I am reading a book entitled "A war like no other"         and the myth that the 5th century BCE government in Athens was gods gift to a free people...is bogus...first of all the citizens voted to kill a lot of folks who had fallen into dis-repute...Socrates             being only one citizen who was condemned to death...just because the majority of people are in              favor of something hardly makes it good or ethical...which is why in the USA the  Constitution has         restrictions to keep people from whacking unpopular people...there is the practice of "Politicide" which was recently practiced in Haiti...and has been used since...well, forever...we tend to dissuade this type      of extreme political maneuvering in the USA...but it happens...now as the noose tightens on our ability to survive in this climatic extreme event (which should be over within 100,000 years or so) it will          be increasingly prevalent for "big man" politics to become prevalent...not good ("big woman" either)      I think that populations will segregate and form PODS and share resources within their like minded        group...not unlike 5th century Greece...lots of small city states ,autonomous but still depending on          protection from outside military powers...for a price... 

                                    high power area

"I do not avoid women, but I do deny them my essence" Jack Ripper

Thursday, July 15, 2021

"Foolish is he..."

                                             got to leave some water for the critters
                                              plain titmouse-(Parus inornatus)
                                            mouse that didn't realize the fan blade was dangerous
                                            California thrasher-(Toxostoma redivivum)
                                            probably a great basin fence lizard

one of the things about living around wildlife is that you are always wondering if they                              have a better deal than humans...what with not having to deal with traffic jams and such as that                but they are having to deal with severe climate extremes which they are not going to survive                    unless humans provide for them...i was remembering the tiny one inch salmon that were in                      streams in Oregon...they can only survive a 2 degree increase in temperature...then they die                     so I suppose in a few years all of the wild salmon will be gone from the pacific northwest....                according to what I read the bizarre relationship humans have with clothing will probably do                  far worse damage to the environment than domestic livestock...                                                                  global consumers buy 80 billion tons of clothing a year...20% of mass produced clothing does                not sell as clothing...20% of water pollution is from clothing manufacturing...24% of all chemicals          go into clothing manufacturing...90% of all water sampled has microfibers...2.1 billion tons                    of clothing is discarded every year...over 700 gallons of water is used to produce a t-shirt...Now              I have some doubt about that number...its like the number of gallons of water they said it takes                to produce one hamburger patty.                                                                                                                  If you are not depressed enough by now here is more alarming information....humans share 26 diseases   with poultry, 32 with rats, 35 with horses, 42 with swine, 46 with sheep and goats, 50 with bovines,       and 65 with dogs...why they failed to mention cats is a mystery...but I know toxoplasmosis is one          disease that felines can transmit to humans...and it ain't nothing nice....                                                      so I suppose we should all go around naked and alone to live a longer healthier life! Have a nice day!

"Foolish is he who levels cities, temples, tombs, and the sanctuaries of the dead; as he sows                    destruction, so later he himself perishes." Euripides "Trojan Women"              

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Buy me a flute..."


spent 13 days at a new bio-type which is sort of between desert and mountain and I suppose                    a "Mediterranean" climate....still hotter than hell and deadly to a lot of species                                          I did the usual hard core animal stalking...not really...just sat in the chair and read and ate                        and read some more and ate some more until after 13 days most of the critters were no longer                 alarmed at my presence and began to get pretty close...I was backed into a scrub oak thicket                  which not too surprisingly had lots of scrub jays (Aphelocoma coerlescens) in residence...as well            as a couple of California ground squirrels (Citellus beecheyi) and some hummingbirds which I               think were Costas hummingbirds (Calypte costae) I never figured out how hot the temperature  was      but probably over a hundred...but it stayed comfortable under the large oak tree.  I found a water pipe     coming out of the ground which was de-commisioned but still had a slight leak and was wetting the       concrete slab so I put a cast iron griddle which had been abandoned in a campsite under the dripping and then put a half a water bottle with a rock in it under the drip and there was a good spot for the          true residents to get some life giving water...because the wildlife are going to suffer and die if the           humans don't get busy realizing they do not have the capacity to travel great distances to get water        anyhow by the time I left there were a lot of birds and a rabbit hanging around the water spot....              also there was a California thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum) which came around a sifted through             the leaves with great enthusiasm and helped to keep the bug population in check...there were more         insects at this site than anyplace I had been in a while...which is a good thing!

"Buy me a flute, and a gun that shoots a tailgate substitute ,                                                                        strap yourself to a tree with roots, we ain't going nowhere..."                                                                                                                                    Bob Dylan