Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"I do not avoid women..."

     life in the shadows

been watching my Art History DVDs...one of them mentioned the "Iconoclastic Rage" (8/28/1566)         which was quite a long time ago but just goes to illustrate the destructive power of totalitarian                influences...these folks destroyed all the art that they figured was "iconoclastic"...what a bunch of           morons...and they are still with us! the Chinese government did the same thig in China and of course     the ISIS folks and also various and assorted religiously based coalitions here and abroad...                      the great thing about living in a democracy...well I am reading a book entitled "A war like no other"         and the myth that the 5th century BCE government in Athens was gods gift to a free people...is bogus...first of all the citizens voted to kill a lot of folks who had fallen into dis-repute...Socrates             being only one citizen who was condemned to death...just because the majority of people are in              favor of something hardly makes it good or ethical...which is why in the USA the  Constitution has         restrictions to keep people from whacking unpopular people...there is the practice of "Politicide" which was recently practiced in Haiti...and has been used since...well, forever...we tend to dissuade this type      of extreme political maneuvering in the USA...but it happens...now as the noose tightens on our ability to survive in this climatic extreme event (which should be over within 100,000 years or so) it will          be increasingly prevalent for "big man" politics to become prevalent...not good ("big woman" either)      I think that populations will segregate and form PODS and share resources within their like minded        group...not unlike 5th century Greece...lots of small city states ,autonomous but still depending on          protection from outside military powers...for a price... 

                                    high power area

"I do not avoid women, but I do deny them my essence" Jack Ripper

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