Friday, August 6, 2021

                                                                    neighbors helping neighbors

well since my game camera is being monitored and the images stolen                                                        and since these images have been made available to the public                                                                    there are people showing up armed to the teeth to kill every animal that they see                                         this problem has occurred for years and the so called "law enforcement" has spread                                  the word that I am a criminal and they are therefor justified in stealing my property                            undoubtedly these "oath Takers" types seem to believe in only one amendment in the                                 constitution which is the dubious 2nd amendment allowing them to have a gun....balderdash!                  and shoot any and all animals and people they deem "dangerous to the public" 14 day                      camping adventure on the national forest campsite was quite an adventure in "criminal law" as                there were way many cops and cop wanna-be fellow asked me what I was building                (as in "BOMB") when I sat my propane tank and black rubber solar water heating bag out by the             tree stump in the sun to heat them it would seem to me that after so many years of being          stalked, harassed, poisoned, drugged, and having apparently zero constitutional rights I would like          to expose the fact that much of the problem in the justice department seems to stem from unbridled         corruption...and more nefarious is the fact that some of those persons who have served in the               military have decided that they too are qualified to engage in "extra-judicial" activities because they        are "vigilant"...I dont think so! 

 so unless people take the time to provide for the wildlife they will perish as the desertification of             proceeds.  

"I was amazed, and at the same time I felt it was ridiculous: in my first shot at the west I was seeing        to what absurd devices it had fallen to keep its proud tradition."  Jack Kerouac "On the Road" 

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