Thursday, May 26, 2022

"I measure every Grief..."

                                 abert squirrel and the pine sticks that they chew the bark off of and eat

i found out that this lovely squirrel can be hunted and killed 365 days a year...seems like a rather harsh treatment of a squirrel that does not seem to be harming anyone or anything...i have been somewhat depressed the last few days, i have a lagging indicator i think...but my spirits are always lifted by being outside and also i tend to turn to music to uplift my spirits...i would like to recommend a tune which i really like and it is "Isn't it a Pity" a george harrison tune which is sung beautifully by Ms. Margo on the DVD "Cowboy Junkies in Liverpool" it is the second to last song i think

"By skillful I mean that you bring together your understanding of the essential nature of your mind, your knowledge of your own various, shifting moods, and insight you have developed through your practice into how to work with yourself from moment to moment. By bringing these together, you learn the art of applying whatever method is appropriate for any particular situation or problem, to transform that environment of your mind." Sogyal Rinpoche (1992) "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"

"I measure every Grief I meet/ With narrow probing eyes-/I wonder if It weighs like Mine-/Or has an Easier size." Emily Dickenson

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