Thursday, September 1, 2022

"The butterfly counts not the months..."

                                 times have changed and our wildlife co-earthlings are endangered

4 more Galapagos tortoises found dead...that makes 18...being killed for the meat! i worked with Galapagos tortoises and Aldabra tortoises...very intriguing animals...been hearing about the people in mississippi not having any water to drink after the floods there...think CISTERN...the old cajun houses in the country used to have them...not many folks bother to secure their own water supply now...that is likely to change...there are companies that make devices that can suck up to 7 gallons of water a day out of the air...if it is pretty humid...yeah....ya gotta change your way of thinking to be much more self sufficient...start with some solar panels and work from moving parts and no fuel needed...the "MAN IN THE HOLE" was found dead...this guy who lived in the amazon rain forest  in a hole died at about 60 years of age...completely self sufficient...they think he had prepared for his death as he was dressed in a lot of colorful feathers...i guess some birds died too...been hearing about the forest management that needs to get done before the fires burn everything is seems to me that the chances of disaster and destruction is much more likely by way of forest fires than say...china dropping bombs on us...sooooo....maybe we could slide some of the department of de-fence money over to forest management and maybe water pipelines being built...just an idea...another Arabian woman imprisoned for bad mouthing the government...this one got about 45 years...what a crock...i read where martha stewart had 6 of her peacocks eaten by broad daylight...well yeah! coyotes are much smarter than peacocks...or peahens either...i heard a guy being interviewed about a book he wrote called "denial" about pursuing "CARBON CRIMINALS"...damn! what about those of us that spent years working in the petro-chemical industry so as to pay our bills...balderdash!...the oil industry is not responsible for the destruction of the world...if every internal combustion engine were to be eliminated tomorrow there would still be plenty of need for oil...why not bust the clothing industry that thrives on the ''FASHION PUMP" to suck the suckers into buying this years model...also i hear a mr amos brown talking about the "REPARATIONS" agenda which will pay some sort of guilt money to Blacks for them not being on a level playing field in the U.S.of A...what will we do for the Japanese, and Chinese (Chinese exclusion act), and the Sicilians and the Native Americans...."The other slavery: the uncovered story of indian enslavement in America" (2016) and lastly but of even more importance when will females be paid for the child rearing and cooking and cleaning that seems to be their duty to do for reparations aint on my short list for coughing up dough...i heard that one hundred billion dollars was paid out to false claims in the covid business support scheme...thats a lot of tuition money! i am not an economist and i dont play one on television...but it seems to me that if you pay for someone to get a college degree they will make more money and therefor they will pay more income tax...some countries actually pay people to go to university...what a concept!

"The butterfly counts not the months, but moments/ And has time enough." Rabindranth Tagore

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