Monday, January 23, 2023


                                   this is one of my favorite videos of a rough skinned newt

so using a linux operating system today after long last...kind of like it so far

waited more than an hour for the radiation treatment today but the treatment took less than 15 minutes...been eating way too much since the anti-testosterone drug took effect...face looks different too...i am the spitting image of michael jackson...before the face job...just kidding...watched 45 minutes of cable television in the medical facility...very very channel...competition cooking...combine that with the deadliest catch and you have combat culinary...none for me thanks...when stretched out in the hospital last week i watched a show on the history channel about catching pythons in the everglades....wrong wrong biz to the hilt..i will give them two words of professional advise...catch pole and forked stick...they could cut their capture time by 75% at least...but the chance of getting snake bit would go way down and the sadistic audience attention would diminish...big news on the USA budget...too big say some... if the expense is an investment it will pay a dividend...if it is just one more way to appease the larcenous mob the country will be bankrupted...poor Biden has been getting a lot of scrutiny of late and it may be time to saddle up Harris  for the executive office...heard Putin say that the LGBQ(left one out i think) anyhow Putin is saying that the queers are "PURE SATANISM"...this is from a guy who has destroyed the homes of millions of people and killed their children...Putin is a sick person... i have decided i need a pronoun...and i prefer to be "IT"..."Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part of true economy."Edmund Burke

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