Thursday, May 25, 2023

"Don't you see..."

      IPA=India Pale Ale...brewed in England to send to the troops in India...

so i was listening to prof. Kai investigate the philosophy of money...and i recognized some striking similarities to other man made mental constructs...around the world there are people who label themselves shamans and witchdoctors and such...and they convince people that they have the Mojo or the Gris Gris to make things happen...well in this country there are people who will tell you that they can make the economics far and wide begin to simply saying that the government is broke...can not pay its debts...BUT! they can mint a platinum coin in the denomination of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and then there will be money aplenty...and people who believe the witchdoctors and the treasury might just die...but not attention to those 37 words in the coinage act...

i need to make some adjustments to my movie criticism of "Lost Highway"...I listened to Mr. T. Hanks in an interview a few days ago and realized that my criticism failed to acknowledge that the movie is worth seeing but in my opinion was not too entertaining...also i listened to the ebullient Ms. Ayesha Rascoe mention the "needle drop" aspect of a movie...and the music in "Lost Highway" was very good and  wrote down the credits but failed to list them...and i'll be damned if i know where that list is now...but having been on several "shoots" i must say that even a bad movie is hard to make...and as the director pointed out to Mr. Hanks..."We may be sowing the seeds of our own destruction"...i do not agree with mr. Hanks on the time factor...usually as time passes movies become less relevant...but i do have a movie which i watched a while back that i really liked even though it had a sad ending and that is "The Hot Spot" with Don haunts you...

"Don't you see (said he) the impropriety of it? To MAKE money is to coin it: you should say GET money." Samuel Johnson to James Boswell (Life of Johnson)      

Thursday, May 18, 2023

"When the axe..."

 three of these squirrels visited me daily...i had to cover the food basket after breakfast every morning...

the stalker girl and her companion pulled up within 30 yards of where i spent the last 8 days -there are several of these felonious females who i encounter and recognize as stealers of intellectual property...

rain has begun on a daily basis...the cab of the truck makes a good place to practice the guitar and read and look at the DVDs and watch the lectures...i watched one again for the 4th or 5th time...the first time i fell asleep and I probably slept through half of the second viewing ...and this is a very good lecture to pay attention to and is entitled "Dopamine-Motivation, Salience and Learning- A Genetic Perspective" by Dr. Richard Palmiter (University of Washington)-from what I can tell the dopamine in our system is needed to allow the brain to learn and also to be motivated...even to eat...the lecture shows how mice which have their brain chemistry changed can be made to have no motivation even to seems that brain chemistry not only directs motivation but also prioritizes motivation...the reason my interest was more pronounced was i am very anxious to know what role testosterone plays in brain function and motivation...or lack thereof...

the news around the world as reported on the BBC and "The World" on the radio daily sounds like there are a lot of people who need to have their brain chemistry modified...i heard about a guy named sam altman who says that Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs to be watched so that it does not do harm to i don't want to sound stupid here but the human species has done just about all that can be done to screw up the planet on which they of the things that has not been discussed much is the development of quantum computing which is a whole different level of computational power...many many times faster...i guess someone will figure out how to run the programs through a series of trials before they let the machines run things...they really can not do any worse that humans have done...when i hear someone ask about "intelligent life in the universe" i really don't think humans can be considered too much in that category...

well some hoochie coochie dancers in L.A got into a union and i hope this trend continues  so that these hard working people can get their fair share of income....I HATE A PIMP!...I watched a film called "Lost Highway" a few nights ago...(1997) 2 hrs and 25 minutes...the plot?...the plot...well the plot seems to be to get Patricia Arquette naked...and other than that the film just sort of goes along with some magic stuff and some violence stuff and a creative use of a glass topped table...Ms. Arquette plays two characters...a very attractive blond and a very attractive red head (i think) anyhow she has a couple of damp towels for "leading" men and the most memorable line in the film is when she looks at her lover and says "you killed him" and know how this relationship is going to end...anyhow the film is creative if not very coherent...we dont need no stinking plot!

"When the axe came into the woods, many of the trees said "at least the handle is one of us."                                                                                                                               Turkish Proverb

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"There's a sort of decency..."

                                  a photograph i took of me a few days ago...
on the first day of my radiation treatment for prostate cancer a woman had me lower my mask so she could take a picture of my face...i thought it might be for comparisons of how the face changes after the treatment...but then i remembered how when i got the traffic ticket in eugene i was made to take a mug shot at the sheriffs headquarters...i was the only one that they required that for...later when i was working on the BP oil spill clean-up there was a sheriffs deputy who was driving around the beach showing people that mug shot and saying they were looking for this guy who is a "sex offender"...nice folks eh?...i did not know how corrupted the cops were but it seems that there is a cop mafia which likes to mess with people who talk about maybe the picture that was taken of me in the YUMA REGEONAL CANCER CENTER  was for some nefarious purpose...i have lots of complaints about what happened to me during my treatment there...two things that i wrote got a lot of being the questioning of the cost of the far as i am concerned the place is an "ON-GOING CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE."....once the women who was operating the radiation machine decided to aim it at my pubic bone which resulted in extreme pain the next day...i told the oncologist and i heard she said she did it because it was "FUN"...another time when i went into the treatment room someone has sprayed what i think is buteric acid on the place where you lay down...the smell is awful but also it is the same smell that was put on me when i was being gang stalked in eugene (they also call it "swamping") this smell immediately elicits a "flight or fight" response and my hands start to shake...later they did it again but out of the aim of the camera which is in the room and is monitored in another room... the first thing that Hippocrates says in his medical advise is "FIRST DO NO HARM"...that is not something that these people have ever heard of...i have no idea whether the cancer is less or not after 44 radiation treatments.... 

"There's a sort of decency among the dead, a remarkable discretion: you never find them making any complaint against the doctor who killed them."  Moliere...  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

"How much easier it is to be..."

 one of seven deer in a herd that strolled down the hill to have a look...this one looked pretty scruffy and may have chronic wasting disease which is becoming more common across the country

I don't think the drones are such a bad idea...putin better get a good umbrella...been enjoying the nice weather and have had the great good fortune to have some nice neighbors visit ...two days ago as i sat on a bucket next to the solar panels i looked up and 30 yards away there stood a female pronghorn looking over her shoulder at me...i was pretty surprised....i try to not do things near the camp that animals find threatening...such as throwing rocks and being too loud...a Kaibab squirrel came around to have sip of water at the snow pile which was pretty big when i got there but by this morning was only three feet across and ten feet long...i scooped up some snow for the ice chest and imagine the pile  will all be gone by tomorrow... the chipmunks are still around but fewer...the stellers jays like to make a ruckus when they think they can get me to put out some food...which i usually do...i read in my bio-book about Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca (1758-1799) who was lady in waiting to Queen Maria Carolina...that is until ms Fonseca made a remark about the queens "intimacy" with Acton (probably lord Acton)...then the Queen had ms. fonseca hanged....damn! yeah better not to attend too closely to other peoples intimacy...

i picked up a trilogy of movies by Robert Rodriguez ($2) but i watched them in the opposite order of when they were made... the last one i watched is called "El Mariachi" 81 min. (1993) which is the first one that he made...i watched it again with his commentary and was amazed at how he made the film for $7000 dollars....and most of that was for film...he said he spent about $600 on stuff for the set and other costs...none of the "actors" were paid...he was so cheap he would not even buy a can of black spray paint to make the two guitar cases match...included in the "extras" was a film he made with his wife and three kids called "BEDHEAD" which is pretty funny....when i used to go to the N.O. film festival every year i used to only attend the "experimental shorts" because you could see 7 full days of films for $30 Rodriguez got some attention after "El Mariachi" and his films had big stars and not killings but carnage...i think he is creative but the violence and blood lust seems to take up too much of the film.

"How much easier it is to be generous than just! Men are sometimes bountiful who are not just." Junius

i feel compelled to make an additional statement about the theft of my writing and photography which has been going on for a lot of years...i intend to incorporate and copywrite my images and writing and seek funds for the work that i have done over the years....i, like Diogenes may like to have some nice pastries as i grow older...