Thursday, July 27, 2023

"Civility is destructive..."

 my neighbors called the law on me since i was talking to the ravens...they are as smart dogs (or smarter...the ravens not my neighbors) and their interests go further than food...but food is a good introduction to any animal...the hummingbirds fly over and let me know if the feeder is empty....the weather is so much hotter than in the past and i am thinking about getting a large water container so i can put out water for the wildlife

well lets see three memorials dedicated to the memory of mr emmet till a 14 year old who was kidnapped and murdered by white men in mississippi in 1955...i was only one year old then so i remember nothing of the incident...i do have a memory of being traumatized when i was a young person and there was civil unrest (riots) in the town where i was living and a well known local newsman went with the television crew to a predominantly black section of town and the news anchor was beaten by the mob and suffered such severe brain damage that he never recovered and we would sometimes see him around town being pushed around in his wheel-chair...we had a window broken out in our apartment and it was pretty was hard not to blame the entire black community for the damage from the riots...but of course only a small fraction of the black community participated in them...sometimes it seems that a lot of black people want to blame all white people for all the troubles they have suffered from "systemic racism"...i know when i was young we would go to the A&P food store once a month and there were two  water fountains  in the for white one for colored...i use to wonder what in the hell could these colored people have that was so bad that they  needed a separate water must have been a bit of a shock to little black kids to see that they could not drink from one of the fountains...anyhow...i did not have anything to do with that...but i have heard that there is a new museum in Charleston (carolina i suppose) called the "INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM" I was pleased that it bills itself as an INTERNATIONAL now i hope we can get them to tell us who the tribal chiefs were in africa that agreed to sell the africans that were captured for the "slavers...slaving is a very long a prosperous form of international is good that it be scrutinized but it may be that what happened then is not very relevant today...i was not there...i am not guilty of anything...i am white and guiltless...i enslaved nobody, i killed nobody and i did not put up any signs o the water fountains...i did have my window broken..

so the fellow who escaped to north korea would have been better off to crawl into his own butthole...serves him right...i have been thinking about the musk mellon and his X company...i think if the guy just wanted to do an all porn site and dominate that business (lets face it X is a good start) he would never go broke...which brings me to the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" which i watched again...or at least parts of it...the first time was with testosterone and this time without...the first time the exciting parts had to do with the "dominance" scenes...the second time i was aroused when the woman said "Don't Touch Me" after the 6 licks...and when she told him not to get in the i want to question the relationship dynamic...Grey was a very wealthy man...he was naturally going to dominate...6 licks leads to 8 licks leads to a bit of chokings and so on an so forth...Ernest Becker wrote that S&M leads to abuse...however there are some people who much prefer that sort of relationship...but it does not stop in bed...celibacy is not an got to work things out...i see in the last of the GREY movies the couple get married ...i dont think mr grey can be cured of his HABIT of dominance...or anyone else for that matter...

well the law finally pinned down the evidence on the culprits who killed TWO PACK...the hip hop entertainer/icon...if you watch "Thug Angel" you can see why the cops were in no big hurry to find his killer... TWO PACK is on a gun range showing his fire power and bad mouthing the cops...DUH!...i'm sure the cops were motivated by that...anyhow the rapper is still dead...a lot of people don't know that TWO PACK was a student of a theater school in new york before his radical mother moved him to a dangerous part of California...her black panther days made her instill some very negative attitudes into A man who was not particularly violent or hateful...

i was watching "Lawrence of Arabia" again and was struck by the line that Omar Sharif (Ali) says at the well after he has shot to death  Lawrence's guide "He was nothing, the well is everything"...this is undoubtedly where human relations are headed as all resources become scarcer...

i watched several films in the last two weeks...i also read some articles about film...there is a russian film-maker called Andrei Tarkovsky who said the "The aim of art is to prepare us for death" film critic said of one of the characters in his film "she holds fast against the tide of male neurosis rising around her."  damn! i think we are at flood stage now!...Ingmar Bergman said "When film is not a document, it is a dream." some of the stuff i have viewed has been described as VULGAR..."Frisky Dingo" (adult swim" falls into that does "a million ways to die in the west"...both use "vulgarity" to make their point...i watched "Week-end in Havana" (1941) color 80 has commentary by Jeanine Bassinger which is well worth listening to as she has much information to impart which makes the film more interesting...there is a woman named Cobina Wright Jr. who decided to name herself after her mother...not a common thing...and Carmen Miranda has a spotlite as well as Cesar Romero...a great Latin dancer born in New York...and Leonid Kinskey who played the bartender in "Casablanca and played the bell-hop in this movie should get recognition for his performance...

Vulgar=from the Latin vulgaris from vulgos = common people...

"Civility is destructive because it perpetuates falsehoods, while vulgarity can keep us honest"                                                                                                                                Amber A'Lee Frost

Thursday, July 20, 2023

"The world can only be grasped..."

                                 empty water trough and calf skeleton 30 yards apart...related? some of the animals can estivate but not the big ones...

i have heard nothing about increased attention to providing water for the water stressed wildlife...should we let them die by water deprivation or would it be more humane to kill them before they suffer?  these questions need to be considered...we know what's coming...heat, drought and floods and when a hurricane decides to develop in the super-heated gulf will it be a monster killing machine that lasts for can run but you cant' hide...i know of a place that has mild temperatures year round and no snow, no rain and best of all no noise! it is called underground...why are there no underground housing projects? why cant wind generators be developed that can use the winds of a hurricane without being destroyed...any damned fool can dig a hole...we have been cave dwellers even before we were Homo more castles in the air!...ain't nobdoy going to live on Mars!

"The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation...The hand is the cutting edge of the mind." Jacob Bronowski

Monday, July 17, 2023

"in a perfect world..."

if I had more "skills" i would make this article more easily is well worth the effort to make it readable as it deals with human relations which are just not worth keeping up with...a very very hard thing to realize...

so as long as i am in this human relations mindset i suppose i will unload some of the notions which have evolved in my consciousness over the current human relations are minimal...i have  rather burgeoning relationships with ravens however...being a human of the male gender i am rather sensitive to the (never ending) complaints i hear about male persons (not to mention male/white/hetero/american males!) most of the complaints are well founded although i am like Zippy the Pinhead...I have no guilty feelings...first let me explain some scientific justification for some of the actions which are so vociferously complained about...the ominous MALE this point in my writing i was un-internetted and the next few hundred words lost....however i will proceed anew...all males GAZE... it is how they interact with potential is natural however obnoxious it may seem to the females of the breeding equals no offspring equals no evolution and all life seems to be oriented towards to be specific about what the male  human GAZERS are gazing at it would seem the evidence would indicate "tits and ass" however primitive that may seem...and since male persons have been described as "LIZARD BRAINS" who look at these two female attributes let me give my theory about why mammary glands and buttocks would be of more interest than say biceps or foreheads...the female mammal provides nourishment to her offspring with milk via the mammary glands and more milk means healthier babies and skinny buttocks indicate lack of nourishment so a female too skinny may not be healthy enough to raise offspring... nowadays of course the list of things females use to attract the GAZE of males is long and dare I say stupid...the attire, make-up and perfumes go back thousands of years...pheromones  are not enough...

"In a perfect world women would wear whatever they wanted, look however they wanted, and no one would form impressions of them based on that." LIZ SMITH ..."Vanity Fair oct. 2022 radical reason

now considering what is in this magazine...the absurdity of the articles of clothing and fashion in general it would seem to me the whole fashion industry should be condemned ...and so i shall...

Sunday, July 16, 2023

"Society is immoral..."

i saw these white blobs about the size of a tennis ball on the side of a ponderosa pine and when i touched them they felt like parchment..i cut one open to reveal what looks like spores...edible?...not by me...

been hearing a lot about the bill in the US legislature that allocates money to the military...a legislator from alabama says he wants to veto the bill because it has stuff in it that deals with things he says are not military things...such as abortions and transgender surgeries being paid for by the military budget...this NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT bill usually has support of most of the congress...but things being the way they are, what with the blue/red/left/right/conservative/liberal etc etc etc divisions in this country (or so one would think since the media always like to bring up these differences...real of imagined) “What’s real is the necessary capabilities, technologies and fundamental social support for our troops and their families,“ he said. “That’s what this all should have been focused on, not these domestic, political issues.“ or so said one Jake sullivan a national security advisor to the white house...i would hate to think that people who are on the payroll to put themselves in harms way can not get what they need due to lack of funding....but it is good that a legislator will question the status quo...especially when it comes to the military....that budget is a pretty big chunk of change....

so i saw a woman with a t-shirt that said "BITTER TOGETHER"....a rather sad notion of the female populations bitterness about their lot in a matter of fact that same sentiment seems to prevail within every group of humans...and i suppose if you asked them the raccoons probably have some complaints too...anyhow i hope the discontented get what they need to make them happy ( or happier)....i am of the opinion that the conditions on planet earth are going to make more humans and animals uncomfortable until only the fungi's will be thriving...turn off the refrigerator for a week and look inside and you will probably see stuff growing that you never saw before...and so the planets surface is becoming more hospitable to some species and less hospitable....i read that the methane from the melting perma- frost (they are going to have to change that name...perhaps to semi-frost) will likely cause the temperatures to rise enough to melt the ice caps and Greenland and all the glaciers causing the oceans to rise 300 feet...and 3 billion people live within 60 miles of the coast so they will move inland and their will be very bad feelings (not to mention violence and mayhem) but on a positive note the seas must surely become less acid with all that new water...and i also read that huge aquifers of fresh water exist beneath the oceans floor... also their are new reflective paints that have been developed that can be painted on dark surfaces to reduce the needs to be utilized as soon as possible in as many ways as possible and  WOMEN NEED TO QUIT HAVING CHILDREN in numbers that are not sustainable....unless they plan to raise them on fungi...

i have been researching presidential candidates and i am thinking that KILLFACE might be the best candidate since the has reversed global warming according to his resume...

i have been watching a lot of stoner flicks in the past few weeks and some are more entertaining than others....but they all show stonerism as being a fairly innocent activity...i assure you it is more than Otis the wino on the Andy Griffith show. addiction  affects the addicted and those with whom they associate adversely...and stoners are dysfunctional as much as alcoholics are...and it aint nothing nice...

"Society is immoral and immortal; it can afford to commit any kind of folly, and indulge in any sort of vice' it cannot be killed, and fragments that survive can always laugh at the dead." Henry Adams


Saturday, July 15, 2023

""But we have no sense of direction..."

 I have heard it said that if every endangered species on earth dies...nothing will change...but if every chicken on earth dies the planet will be reduced to chaos...our bellies rule our worldview...good or bad

spent yesterday at the pipeline campsite...where i took the red fox pictures...folks are homesteading a spot there now about 30 yards from the pond...1/4 mile is actually the legal distance required and 14 days is the legal length of time to be spent in one national forest per month...the enforcement is pretty lackadaisical at best...although a couple of female federals did approach to tell me that the gorgeous spot i was camped in was "not legal" and the other just to flex her muscle...i told her she should "shoot to kill" anyone who has a the forests were burning all over the state and country and world...eventually the national forests were shut down to the industrious humans on contract have thinned several hundred acres in the coconino and kaibab national forests so that part may remain open even when the conditions get called monsoon events are possible next week...but now it is hot hot hot...i had to resort to the "kindness of strangers" at the local human services facilities today and the library for time inside...although the temperatures are only 95 to 97 my physical condition cannot take even that relatively warm temp and i could tell when i woke up this morning it was time to "piss on the fire and call in the dogs" they say in the country...even though there was only a propane stove and the raven family...anyhow bivouac early is always a good plan...i can withstand cold with good clothing but the heat outside is not avoidable and kills more people than hurricanes and tornadoes and floods I packed up the camp...put out the three slices of calves liver for the ravens (they were whooping with joy as i was leaving) and drove into town...

 went camping in Maine once and was there 13 days and it rained for 11 of those days...but Camden Hills was a place where Edna St. Vincent Millay  lived and i was glad to see the place...

"But we have so sense of direction; impetus                                                                                                  Is all we have; we do not proceed, we only                                                                                                 Roll down the mountains,                                                                                                                             Like disbalanced boulders crushing before us many                                                                                    Delicate things, whose plan it was to grow." Edna St. Vincent Millay


Thursday, July 13, 2023

"You will hear it said..."

                                                               giant raven loves wieners 
most ravens are rather shy about getting too close but this one began landing on the truck and being very loud by banging things around...almost as bad as the dueling hummingbirds....

as is customary i had pie for my birthday...actually ate 2 large pies in 4 and cherry
marked down to $1.56...

been hearing about "THE MINISTRY FOR THE PREVENTION OF VICE AND PROMOTION OF VIRTUE" which has banned beauty salons in Afghanistan...that is the death of their salons are a couple of thousand years old at least the women are surely going to retaliate against the Taliban ignorance...the Nazis lost, the fascist lost and the Taliban will loose kai returned from china and says that a cup of starbucks coffee is 5 bucks there...AND the Chinese sponsored hackers got into important U.S. stuff...lets face it the government there does not intend to play nice with this country...i say, as does Kai...the consumers are running the show...ease up on buying Chinese stuff...
heard about energy drinks and minors on the radio...there is a condition called "caffeine psychosis"...i self diagnosed myself...had it bad...folks should know that too much caffeine will warp your mind...also heard about no more "affirmative action" or college admissions based on "race"...i think people of colored can certainly compete in the brains department if they can get a decent start by not  living in abject poverty...RAISE MINIMIM WAGE!  HEY JOE...unions are all well and good but minimum wage people are being worked every day in this country...$7.25 an hour...slavery at best...picked up a DVD called "Straight out of Compton"...i drove through there once...didn't stop...the flick is a documentary of sorts which tells the tale of how rap/hip hop came into being...what with the violence and drugs and police brutality Hugh Edwards a big shot BBC presenter was busted after pay 35 thousand pounds to teenager for sexy poor Hugh is in a hospital with bad brains...that's a lot of dough...he should have just gone on the internet porn sites...much cheaper...also a custodian in an Italian school was not busted after groping a kid "for less that 10 seconds"...we had the same rule in the restaurants if food falls on the floor and you can pick it up in less than 10 seconds and put it back on the plate it is OK....maybe it was 5 seconds...

" You will hear it said, very gravely, Why was not the half-guinea, thus spent in luxury, given to the poor? To how many might it have afforded a good meal. Alas! has it not gone to the industrious poor? You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompense of their labor, than when you give money merely in charity." Samuel Johnson  



Thursday, July 6, 2023

"The question now..."

 after 5 days of being awoken by these 2 rodents who took up residence in the trucks engine compartment i finally was able to sleep a little easier when the smaller one (a female i think) was smacked by the mouse trap...but was alive when i found her...the ravens made a meal out of both of them...the larger one was quite a monster...

I've been watching a lot of DVD's about sexual infidelity recently..."The Man From Elysian  Fields"(2001) one hour and 46 minutes...a very good movie and I noticed that the web site that reviews films seems to have forgotten about Mick Jagger (Luther) who had the best lines in the movie...he is a "procurer of men for women who want companionship (sex) and to have their toes sucked apparently. when it is men "servicing" women the analysis is different...also "Disclosure" with Michael Douglas and Demi Moore was pretty good... Ms Moore plays a "psycho-hose bitch" (a diagnosis used by the more progressive psychiatrists) no spoilers...even better was "A Perfect Murder" with Gwyneth Paltrow...all the right people get killed...very nice...infidelity can ruin your day, but enhance your night 

I heard that tom cruise likes old movie theaters and i know that there are others who like to preserve history...i may as well tell about this old adobe theater i came across in a small town i stopped in a while back which i thought was pretty much a ghost town...i think it was sierra blanca (where i met old tom) and i was told that "a person in california" owns it...too damned bad if they let it fall to the ground...perhaps mr r. Rodriguez could buy it and restore it as that is his neck of the woods (or prairie)...any how someone needs to stop it from falling into ruin as it is probably the only adobe theater in the world...and start a film festival there (for western perhaps)...

"The question now is not so much whether man will be able to go even further, and populate other planets. The question is how to organize ourselves in such a way as to make life on Earth more and more worth living."  August Picard (balloonist, submariner, and explorer of possibilities)