Monday, July 17, 2023

"in a perfect world..."

if I had more "skills" i would make this article more easily is well worth the effort to make it readable as it deals with human relations which are just not worth keeping up with...a very very hard thing to realize...

so as long as i am in this human relations mindset i suppose i will unload some of the notions which have evolved in my consciousness over the current human relations are minimal...i have  rather burgeoning relationships with ravens however...being a human of the male gender i am rather sensitive to the (never ending) complaints i hear about male persons (not to mention male/white/hetero/american males!) most of the complaints are well founded although i am like Zippy the Pinhead...I have no guilty feelings...first let me explain some scientific justification for some of the actions which are so vociferously complained about...the ominous MALE this point in my writing i was un-internetted and the next few hundred words lost....however i will proceed anew...all males GAZE... it is how they interact with potential is natural however obnoxious it may seem to the females of the breeding equals no offspring equals no evolution and all life seems to be oriented towards to be specific about what the male  human GAZERS are gazing at it would seem the evidence would indicate "tits and ass" however primitive that may seem...and since male persons have been described as "LIZARD BRAINS" who look at these two female attributes let me give my theory about why mammary glands and buttocks would be of more interest than say biceps or foreheads...the female mammal provides nourishment to her offspring with milk via the mammary glands and more milk means healthier babies and skinny buttocks indicate lack of nourishment so a female too skinny may not be healthy enough to raise offspring... nowadays of course the list of things females use to attract the GAZE of males is long and dare I say stupid...the attire, make-up and perfumes go back thousands of years...pheromones  are not enough...

"In a perfect world women would wear whatever they wanted, look however they wanted, and no one would form impressions of them based on that." LIZ SMITH ..."Vanity Fair oct. 2022 radical reason

now considering what is in this magazine...the absurdity of the articles of clothing and fashion in general it would seem to me the whole fashion industry should be condemned ...and so i shall...

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