Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"The greatest poem ever known..."

                                             long awaited rain makes a big splash...hurray!
       biggest and brightest rainbow i've ever seen...the white on the right bottom is a 4-door pick-up truck
                                   coming and going...  seen more birds since the rain...these are happy birds
                                        lots of sand moved down the dry-washes when it rained

well i got what i wanted for christmas..."a monkey and a plywood violin"...probably should think about getting a room for the night..."It's the Presidential suite ya' know"..."Well the whole cabinet could use the bath-tub...They ought to have lifeguards"...been thinking about putting an advert on a singles site..."If you can't find love at least we can find symmetry"..."but my lifestyle does not appeal to most women..."It might get a wee bit dangerous sugar butt"...but i am always asked complicated questions about what i do..."I tempt those who can be tempted and i punish those who deserve to be punished...that is my function, my occupation,,,my job, my joy..."

heard this on a you tube lecture by John Bradshaw...on shame...

""To a Child"

""The greatest poem ever known/ Is one all poets have outgrown/ The poetry, innate, untold,/ Of being only four years old-/ Still young enough to be a part/ Of natures great impulsive heart/ Born comrade of bird, beast and tree/ And UN-self-conscious as a bee-/ And yet with lovely reason skilled / Each day a new paradise to build; / Elate explorer of each sense/ Without dismay, without pretense!-/ In your unstained transparent eyes / There is no conscious, no surprise/ Lifes queer conundrums you accept, / Your strange divinity still kept.-/ Being, that new absorbs you all/ Harmonious unit, integral/ Will shred into perplexing bits,-oh, contradictions of the wits!/ And life, that sets all things in rhyme,/ May make you poet too in time-/ But there were days, O' Tender elf,/ When you were poetry itself..."  Christopher Morley 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

"It is time to dismiss..."

"Cei n'est pas une pipe!"...i saw an unusual pattern beneath a bush and was reaching down to pick it up when my old brain said NO!

 last night mama brought her baby to get a drink and maybe catch a kangaroo rat for dinner...maybe not....

i saw in my reptile book that the sidewinder rattlesnake is also called the "horned" rattler...all i see on this snake are a couple of white lines on top of the eyes...this animal was between 12 and 14 inches long so not a full grown sidewinder if that is what it is...the messages from the eyeballs are routed to two different parts of the brain...the old part and the new part...the old part gets the message quicker and in this case the old brain vetoed the hands move to pick up a snake....

good news...a bill was introduced in congress called the "Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act" by senator elizabeth warren and representative  hank johnson...i think that ms warren and ms harris might make a good pair for the presidential race...the current contenders...not so much...

i read this advice given by s. johnson to a clergyman in boswells life of johnson on how to write a is also good advice on how to write a blog..." the labor of composition, do not burthen your mind with too much at once; do not exact from yourself at one effort of excogitation, propriety of thought and elegance of expression. Invent first, and then embellish. The production of something, where nothing was before is an act of greater energy than the expansion or decoration of the thing produced. Set down diligently your thoughts as they rise, in the first words that occure; and when have matter, you will easily give it form' nor, perhaps will this method be always necessary' for by habit, your thoughts and diction flow together."  samuel johnson 8/30/1780 

"It is time to dismiss bailouts, reject extortion attempts, and recognize that cherry-picking the past is no way to secure freedom and prosperity for the future." Washington Examiner 11/21/23  this after a special committee of African Union and Caribbean Community representing 75 countries endorsed demand that European states should pay reparations for "historical mass crimes"....i dont think so....

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

"Mr. (name blank), who loved buttered muffins.."

 spider skin from the spider cocoon, these spiders may be exclusively on the ocatillo  plants
it appears that there is a fight brewing with these foxes...

been having nightmares about the conflict in Gaza...i youtubed generational trauma and assume that both the Israelis and the palistinians are about ate up with generational trauma...there will be no end to this conflict...noble warrior culture...i dont think so...

also wanted to see what was available about carl jungs thoughts about UFO sightings...he wrote a book called "Flying saucers, a modern myth of things"...i have never been too interested in UFO but now i have twice seen lights in the desert sky...can not ignore i can not identify these lights

had a big climate summit...ha ha ha...not a mention of population control yet! how stupid is that...

picked up an encyclopedia of sherlock holmes...for a dime...will soon begin to carry a penang lawyer and might find some serum of anthropoid to get my libido up and running

went to mexico this morning  for a tooth exam and a extraction=$50 one cleaning=$25 100 50mg antibiotic=$9 parking=$ a headache but the dental work needed to be done... 

"Mr. (name blank) who loved hot buttered muffins, but durst not eat them because they disagree with his stomach, resolved to shoot himself; and he eat 3 buttered muffins for breakfast, before shooting himself, knowing that he should not be troubled with indigestion..."   from Boswell's "Life of Johnson"

Friday, December 1, 2023

"No Mans error..."


have not seen any white tailed antelope squirrels which used to way out number the round-tailed ground squirrels...the foxes seem to have good coats and are really thirsty...i bought a new waterbowl today so there will be more water available

lots of helicopters flying low over the mountain-top...maybe someone decided to climb the trail to the top and fell jnto a crevasse...more food for the vultures...

well finished the 3rd season of "la Femme Nikita" and a basic overview is that all the characters first of all need to get laid...they are all trained to kill...and they need to get laid...and they are all devious...and they all need to get laid...and they are all sociopaths and they all need to get laid...and everyone wants to kill their co-workers...and they all need to get laid...Nikita shoots fast and kills with great frequency...and she needs to get laid...just a  suggestion...

"No mans error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it."  Thomas Hobbes