Friday, December 1, 2023

"No Mans error..."


have not seen any white tailed antelope squirrels which used to way out number the round-tailed ground squirrels...the foxes seem to have good coats and are really thirsty...i bought a new waterbowl today so there will be more water available

lots of helicopters flying low over the mountain-top...maybe someone decided to climb the trail to the top and fell jnto a crevasse...more food for the vultures...

well finished the 3rd season of "la Femme Nikita" and a basic overview is that all the characters first of all need to get laid...they are all trained to kill...and they need to get laid...and they are all devious...and they all need to get laid...and they are all sociopaths and they all need to get laid...and everyone wants to kill their co-workers...and they all need to get laid...Nikita shoots fast and kills with great frequency...and she needs to get laid...just a  suggestion...

"No mans error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it."  Thomas Hobbes

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