Friday, September 13, 2024

"There is, by Gods grace..."

it's that time of year
i saw a picture of a rare bee recently...i looked kind of like this
this is the largest ant species i have seen here
a very handsome spider that snatched a bug then disappeared

i listened to about 30 minutes of the trump/harris encounter...hardly a debate...  i was perusing my notebooks and found some phrases which i think i used 4 years ago or more...

propter odium et atiam=accusation made due to malice....per incuriam= lack of adherence to the laws of facts...and especially...writ de Idiota inquirendo= inquiry into whether a person is an idiot..."...he may be a fool, but he's our fool, and if they think they are better than him the're wrong..." thanks randy...

i read where looking at pornography can raise a persons testosterone level...if they do no low testosterone has caused me some problems that may be worse than the benefits of low loss of muscle mass, fatigue, weight gain, possible cardio vascular disease, and also growing girl titties...damn i wish i had been advised of these possible side effects. so i looked at some porn last week...first time in about 20 months..since THE SHOT...actually i looked for porn about 20 hours and looked at porn for about 12 the way when the government gives you a phone you can assume that they will monitor said phone to their hearts content...unfortunately they are never contented...anyhow the testosterne count may have come up...i feel more energized than before when inspiration was only in my imagination...

i heard i had lost several of the readers of my blog...the numbers went from 12 to 8 from what i can tell...there were nasty stories being spread about my possible involvement in a menagerie a trois...pure speculation i assure you but my pickled pig lips sponsor was alarmed and threatened to limit me to one pig lip per month and the teat bag balm sponsor said that they are taking my sponsorship under advisement...durn their scurvy butts!...refer to richard Krafft Ebbing...perhaps those pesky immigrants ate the missing readers...yeah that's it they were eaten!

its is a good thing that ms. harris was called on in time...

"There is, by Gods grace, an immeasurable distance between late, and too late." madame Swetchine

as an afterthought which is always with me there is a legal phrase..."conspiracy to commit computer intrusion..."...



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