Friday, November 22, 2024

"Once you start thinking..."

helper guarding the camera
interesting relationship to the gear
moved the camera to a large wood pile and this wood rat appeared for apple slices

this fox was trying to invite mr rat to dinner
saw this jack rabbit two times in the same place
these intellectual ants like the cracker crumbs and the bee pollen i sprinkle near their hole 

i guess we can all get ready to kiss our butts goodby...thanks for the land mines which putin calls and raises with a nuclear ICBM...great diplomacy there Joe!...saw some good Youtube this week as well as some good DVDs...tommy sabbatical makes it to the ural mountains and meets a nice russian lady whom he plies with mixed messages...little Chinese everywhere  Yan makes it to the trans siberian railway and meets russians and tastes the food...she is headed for her scooter and the tibetian plateau...Samantha Fish "No Angels" 6 min. WWCW 88.7 kicks ass on guitar..."The Maverick Outback Grazier using donkeys to regenerate his land/ australian story" is a good example of making adjustments to save a desert landscape from ruin...while doing battle with the government....picked up the fleetwood mac DVD called "The Dance" it was quite good and i never knew lindsay buckingham was such a good guitarist...and ms Mcvie sings like an angel her trademark song at the end...not to mention the entire University of Calif. los angels marching band comes on stage...good work...finished the 12th season of "Bones" and felt the need to acknowledge the genius of the casting crew,.. i don't read much fiction but i picked up a large volume of science fiction for a buck and have been reading in it...a good story was "The hunger after you're fed" by dan abraham and ty franck...

and as mr putin might say "VSYO NORMAL' NO"

"Once you start thinking about money, God leaves the room" Quincy Jones


Saturday, November 9, 2024

"Scandal breeds hatred..."

the white tailed antelope squirrel survived another summer
even on a windy night the foxes come out for a drink of fresh water
yours truly attends to business of checking the cameras...the winds howled much of this week

so i awoke wednesday morning after getting little sleep...the winds surged to 40 mph and everything that could be blown away was blown away...i lost the sun reflector for the windshield,,,first wind storm of the season so now i am up to speed on the battening down the hatches etc etc...

i noticed a guy in a black hoodie who looked like trouble as i was driving out this morning...i saw him put the hoodie on as i drove past him...he looked like a gun goober and the buzz in town was that he had a high powered rifle...probably to use on me...guns are empowering and no gun in the face of armed conflict is a bad situation to be in...being as that was the state of california i would imagine that the laws are more restrictive than those in arizona... anyhow murdered people don't really care i imagine...

thought about presidents on wednesday...Coolidge was on my mind because i read about the COOLIDGE EFFECT which affects mammals...this is something that has origins in the limbic system in the brain and  makes males (not sure about females) have less intense response to sexual stimulation with the same partner...when new partners are introduced the intensity of the stimulation rises...THEREFOR...when a person looks at porn constant change in viewing is required to keep the interest level high...therefor i am no more of a pervert than a naked mole rat or a there!

i also thought about the outcome of the usa presidential election...if ms harris would have said 4 words she could have won the election..."YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT." plain and simple...citizens can put up with a lot of incompetence in government but if the well paid government cannot guarantee to protect life and hell with them... i am a strong believer in the amendment 2.1 of the constitution which should say i have the right to not have to carry a firearm to protect myself...guns are heavy, bullets are expensive and my temper is short...i used to carry two handguns at all times...i never had to "brandish a long as i am on the subject...why didn't the armed law enforcement on january 6th at the nations capital not wheel out the gatlin guns i assume they keep in the broom closets on both sides of the entrance doors and crank off a few hundred rounds about body mass height...then there would be a little more forethought at the next insurrection...

some good utube viewing..."Construction d'un puits in Africa/ senegal" (24 min) these people build a well with nothing but a shovel and a single steel pulley...fascinating and inspiring...also looked up the band "Isosceles Popsicle"...i heard a band named that when i was about 10 years old...probably not the same band...The song Eeze was good

"Scandal breeds hatred: hatred begets division: division makes faction: faction brings ruin" Quarels 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

"The time is near at hand..."

since it has become fashionable to show off expensive watches i offer my 10 dollar walmart 

i was watching the "Washington Journal" on C-SPAN this morning and as usual i question the value of spending the expensive time to let people call in to voice their opinion about current events...many of these people are poorly informed and apparently in love with hearing their voices on the television...i have become sensitive to the various activities people engage in which seem to squander their time pr mine!...i heard a sentimental account given by a woman who spends her time painting red hearts on a wall somewhere to "commemorate" people who died from COVID...these people said that once the new hearts are painted the old ones need to be re-painted....sort of a never ending chore...and while i am on the subject of non-productive activities i always wonder how many people derive an income from their "investments" but never actually do any work other than manipulating financial this good? i worked for a labor service that was publicly traded and the managers all bought stock in the company but none of the laborers could afford to do so...this seems to be a problem which has a remedy.., several people come to mind who have the expertise to implement a musk, mr gates. zuckerberg etc... among several did it come to pass that those persons who have vast financial resources have ignored the plight of those at the bottom of the economic spectrum...oversight?...callousness...viciousness...whatever it is eventually these under paid people will bring about social usual... according to my reading metal coinage was introduced about the same time as the emergence of the first philosophers in the early 6th century it may be time to re-invent money wouldn't you say...

i heard Ms Beyonce's song called "FREEDOM" i think...very thrilling...had me fist pumping!

"The time is near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own...the fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore. to resolve to conquer or die."  George Washington (General Orders July 2 1776)

Friday, November 1, 2024

"Neme me impune lacessit"

i stopped trimming the beard in july when i turned 70 years old...i did not grow it it grew itself

 i was going to swear off the dollar a pint ice cream but Baba Rum Raisin was my Guru and this pint called out to me...damned good earthly desire to fulfill if i do say so myself...out and about today...the mechanics said they could not (or would not) fix my truck transmission so that is still one of the challenges i need to work on...the new tires are nice computer is still being hacked by the criminal element which is so intent on my being in "the box"...i stand on it like a soap box...yelling!

the medical appointment yesterday indicated that i am growing more testosterone and not much else...but the energy level is somewhat higher and i might even grow some more muscle...i would advise anyone to take very seriously the decline in the "horizon of physical potential"...i became used to being able to endure almost any physical regime enough to get through a days hard work and thus gain some more...i do not take for granted any advantage i might have today to be available tomorrow...such is life...better to recognize this than live constantly disappointed....grab an occasional pint of good ice cream...

i was noticing the large well muscled man who seemed to be keeping me under close scrutiny today...maybe federals? i did purchase a DVD which might make me guilty of something "Crash of the Moons" with Rocky Jones Space Ranger (1954)..."anyhow i have some observations about the military aspect of society...first of all it is probably imprudent to suggest that we can be rid of them...also despite mr trumps suggestion that he wants a military like A. Hitlers, history would indicate that herr hitler caused the loss of too many military engagements by insisting on calling all the shots thus eventually losing the entire war...he was not qualified in military campaigns...i might also add that nine guns to shoot his opponent sounds like a deep seated psychological aberration...he be nuts!...and i think it is apparent that in a town like this one the military influence is to the detriment of the a well rounded society...there is a "military" world view which tends to warp civil social aims...there is too much military influence in this country and we were warned about this by none other than George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower...signing a piece of paper agreeing to work for the US government department of defense does not make a person a does however allow the government to deny that persons civil and constitutional rights (think burn 360 etc etc) it is much easier to just agree with the folks who wave a flag and insist that all military is good military...the largest heroin smuggling operation in the golden triangle was set up by some army guys...i was told by Brandon on the Beach during the BP oil spill clean-up that i should be investigated due to my criticism of the military...not to scrutinize the military will eventually cause the government to end up like the government in Myanmar where the military has their own neighborhoods, schools and medical and stores while the rest of society suffers...not a goal to look forward to....

i recommend a couple of good utube offerings which got deleted so i will repeat them "A divided brain and an addicted world; The missing link? by Iain McGilcrest (one hour)...also a good Terrence McKenna offering entitled "We as Tribal People" about 52 minutes...this man is brilliant but can be pretty densely packed for casual consumption...

"Neme me impune lacerssit"= no one provokes me with impunity!

"As we jog on..."

top image is dead ants around the ant hole in bottom image...the second image is the hole that the chubby red spider lives near the "thoughtful" ants...the second from bottom image is the ant skins (exuviae)from the spiders hole...

i had a lengthy blog written but it was suddenly deleted...i have experienced increased attention from the criminal element which seeks to squash anything i might have to say

this is the expensive shirt which i paid either 50 cents or 20 cents for at the thrift store... i went to the laundry recently then i went to a nearby store...the shirt had bleach poured on it while i was gone...the girls who did it laughed a lot about their of the girls came into the laundry saying that she was one of the people who "messed" with me when i was living in the trailer while i was undergoing cancer this was my second time to rent a trailer art this trailer park CACTUS TREE...messed with quite a lot trailer was entered without my consent...people stood outside my window talking about me at all hours of the night and neighbor said the harassment was going to be mostly "psychological"...the manager told me once that she had a special relationship with the city police...this relationship is obviously a mutual agreement to overlook criminal activity...on the first day of my being in the trailer i had to go to the cancer center to have the hydro-gel injection in preparation for the radiation treatment...i was told to give myself an enema to clean up the "work area" which i i was giving myself this enema in the bathroom a person behind my trailer said "he is giving himself and enema"...a very interesting occurrence...i was in trailer #40 and the trailer behind me was occupied by another devious person who has no concept of legality...much of this trailer park seems to be enmeshed in a web of criminality...which only interests me insofar as my life is effected by it...YUMA county has so much corruption in the legal system that i doubt that anyone is willing to confront these mobsters with badges...i have been subjected to so much harassment recently that i believe the crime families feel threatened by anyone who has no intention of joining their ranks....the boy who helped around the trailer park made a point of telling me that all of his electronics had Blue tooth and as it seems he installed cameras in my trailer....he was european and kind of arrogant...kept saying he was from Los i was supposed to be impressed by that....he said he was good at chemistry...but his skills at making drugs was not too good as i could see from the facial complexion and texture of himself and the manager that he had some bad chemistry involved in this batch at least....i do not begrudge any ones attempt to be entrepreneurial but if  a person is so stupid as to  antagonize those who are willing to" live and let live" to hell with them....

i intend to document the  constant harassment which involves my photography being stolen and my writing being purloined as well as persons who follow me around and slander me...this is due to the corruption in the legal system who feel that the threat of exposure may cause them inconvenience... 

when i was in a motel room in Flagstaff someone stood outside my door and said it was "personal"(that is my harassment) this particular motel  the manager showed me a photo he had taken of a toilet which he said was from the room i rented last...the toilet was overflowing with feces...i said it was not my toilet....this clown has "unethical" on his license plate...and indeed when i went to the grocery store to buy a money order there was a man (also Indian) who tried to buy a money order for exactly the same amount that was in my bank account....apparently the balance on a persons bank account is useful information to have....fifty yards down the road is the motel where the manage tried to charge me one hundred dollars a day extra on an 80 dollar room for friday and this room i am in today a man stood outside the door last night and was quoting my blog as i was writing it...there seems to be no attempt on the part of government to rein in the criminal activity of many of the foreign born business people...i suspect that there is an agreement with these folks to do so called "intelligence"  here and abroad...while american citizens are victimized... i went to a phone store in a southern city(BR) a while back and asked the middle eastern owner if he could jailbreak my samsung phone...he asked me where i got it and i said i found it in the road in the desert on the california border...he asked if it was sidewinder road...i was astounded that he would know of sidewinder road...he immediately called his handler to say he had a drug smuggler in his store...that would be me...this happens a lot to me....criminal elements seeking to implicate me as a criminal...although there is no shortage of criminal activity in this area of the desert..                          

 i intend to pay in the same coin to those who seek to implicate me as a criminal...

i expect that i will continue to be harassed and have my civil and constitutional rights violated. especially my right to privacy...

"As we jog on, either laugh with me. or at me, or in short do anything-only keep your temper." Laurence Sterne "Tristram Shandy"