the white tailed antelope squirrel survived another summer
even on a windy night the foxes come out for a drink of fresh water

yours truly attends to business of checking the cameras...the winds howled much of this week
so i awoke wednesday morning after getting little sleep...the winds surged to 40 mph and everything that could be blown away was blown away...i lost the sun reflector for the windshield,,,first wind storm of the season so now i am up to speed on the battening down the hatches etc etc...
i noticed a guy in a black hoodie who looked like trouble as i was driving out this morning...i saw him put the hoodie on as i drove past him...he looked like a gun goober and the buzz in town was that he had a high powered rifle...probably to use on me...guns are empowering and no gun in the face of armed conflict is a bad situation to be in...being as that was the state of california i would imagine that the laws are more restrictive than those in arizona... anyhow murdered people don't really care i imagine...
thought about presidents on wednesday...Coolidge was on my mind because i read about the COOLIDGE EFFECT which affects mammals...this is something that has origins in the limbic system in the brain and makes males (not sure about females) have less intense response to sexual stimulation with the same partner...when new partners are introduced the intensity of the stimulation rises...THEREFOR...when a person looks at porn constant change in viewing is required to keep the interest level high...therefor i am no more of a pervert than a naked mole rat or a there!
i also thought about the outcome of the usa presidential election...if ms harris would have said 4 words she could have won the election..."YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT." plain and simple...citizens can put up with a lot of incompetence in government but if the well paid government cannot guarantee to protect life and hell with them... i am a strong believer in the amendment 2.1 of the constitution which should say i have the right to not have to carry a firearm to protect myself...guns are heavy, bullets are expensive and my temper is short...i used to carry two handguns at all times...i never had to "brandish a long as i am on the subject...why didn't the armed law enforcement on january 6th at the nations capital not wheel out the gatlin guns i assume they keep in the broom closets on both sides of the entrance doors and crank off a few hundred rounds about body mass height...then there would be a little more forethought at the next insurrection...
some good utube viewing..."Construction d'un puits in Africa/ senegal" (24 min) these people build a well with nothing but a shovel and a single steel pulley...fascinating and inspiring...also looked up the band "Isosceles Popsicle"...i heard a band named that when i was about 10 years old...probably not the same band...The song Eeze was good
"Scandal breeds hatred: hatred begets division: division makes faction: faction brings ruin" Quarels