top image is dead ants around the ant hole in bottom image...the second image is the hole that the chubby red spider lives near the "thoughtful" ants...the second from bottom image is the ant skins (exuviae)from the spiders hole...
i had a lengthy blog written but it was suddenly deleted...i have experienced increased attention from the criminal element which seeks to squash anything i might have to say
this is the expensive shirt which i paid either 50 cents or 20 cents for at the thrift store... i went to the laundry recently then i went to a nearby store...the shirt had bleach poured on it while i was gone...the girls who did it laughed a lot about their of the girls came into the laundry saying that she was one of the people who "messed" with me when i was living in the trailer while i was undergoing cancer this was my second time to rent a trailer art this trailer park CACTUS TREE...messed with quite a lot trailer was entered without my consent...people stood outside my window talking about me at all hours of the night and neighbor said the harassment was going to be mostly "psychological"...the manager told me once that she had a special relationship with the city police...this relationship is obviously a mutual agreement to overlook criminal activity...on the first day of my being in the trailer i had to go to the cancer center to have the hydro-gel injection in preparation for the radiation treatment...i was told to give myself an enema to clean up the "work area" which i i was giving myself this enema in the bathroom a person behind my trailer said "he is giving himself and enema"...a very interesting occurrence...i was in trailer #40 and the trailer behind me was occupied by another devious person who has no concept of legality...much of this trailer park seems to be enmeshed in a web of criminality...which only interests me insofar as my life is effected by it...YUMA county has so much corruption in the legal system that i doubt that anyone is willing to confront these mobsters with badges...i have been subjected to so much harassment recently that i believe the crime families feel threatened by anyone who has no intention of joining their ranks....the boy who helped around the trailer park made a point of telling me that all of his electronics had Blue tooth and as it seems he installed cameras in my trailer....he was european and kind of arrogant...kept saying he was from Los i was supposed to be impressed by that....he said he was good at chemistry...but his skills at making drugs was not too good as i could see from the facial complexion and texture of himself and the manager that he had some bad chemistry involved in this batch at least....i do not begrudge any ones attempt to be entrepreneurial but if a person is so stupid as to antagonize those who are willing to" live and let live" to hell with them....i intend to document the constant harassment which involves my photography being stolen and my writing being purloined as well as persons who follow me around and slander me...this is due to the corruption in the legal system who feel that the threat of exposure may cause them inconvenience...
when i was in a motel room in Flagstaff someone stood outside my door and said it was "personal"(that is my harassment) this particular motel the manager showed me a photo he had taken of a toilet which he said was from the room i rented last...the toilet was overflowing with feces...i said it was not my toilet....this clown has "unethical" on his license plate...and indeed when i went to the grocery store to buy a money order there was a man (also Indian) who tried to buy a money order for exactly the same amount that was in my bank account....apparently the balance on a persons bank account is useful information to have....fifty yards down the road is the motel where the manage tried to charge me one hundred dollars a day extra on an 80 dollar room for friday and this room i am in today a man stood outside the door last night and was quoting my blog as i was writing it...there seems to be no attempt on the part of government to rein in the criminal activity of many of the foreign born business people...i suspect that there is an agreement with these folks to do so called "intelligence" here and abroad...while american citizens are victimized... i went to a phone store in a southern city(BR) a while back and asked the middle eastern owner if he could jailbreak my samsung phone...he asked me where i got it and i said i found it in the road in the desert on the california border...he asked if it was sidewinder road...i was astounded that he would know of sidewinder road...he immediately called his handler to say he had a drug smuggler in his store...that would be me...this happens a lot to me....criminal elements seeking to implicate me as a criminal...although there is no shortage of criminal activity in this area of the desert..
i intend to pay in the same coin to those who seek to implicate me as a criminal...
i expect that i will continue to be harassed and have my civil and constitutional rights violated. especially my right to privacy...
"As we jog on, either laugh with me. or at me, or in short do anything-only keep your temper." Laurence Sterne "Tristram Shandy"
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