Thursday, January 23, 2025

"I paint things..."

burro banana from local mexican store...looks too old?
when peeled they are like custard!...very tasty
this hawk was trying to carry a whole dead dove
                 these planes are increasingly flying over....waiting for the word to fly to greenland !

lots of wind this week...and sand...and beach at all...but i found a fossil this morning one of only 3 i have found...looks like a marine beach was here only a few hundred million years ago...

woke up about 3 in the morning on monday just in time to projectile vomit about five gallons of sick out the back of the truck...and some more an hour later...bad food?...probably a touch of the flu since i had been feeling feverish for a few days...could barely stand up all day...missed all the inauguration...felt so bad about that...NOT!...well no world wars started yet anyhow...i did manage to watch some very good YouTube however...such as

"The Myth of David's Kingdom"...2 hours long and the presentation is well delivered...this academic talks about "criterion of embarrassment"...i had my book of historical maps in my lap which indicates that a country called "PHILISTIA" has surrounded a city called GAZA for longer than Judea or Israel existed...which gives the lie to the Biblical justification for Israel to exist as the big dog on the block....however as we remember from the lecture on HYPER-AGGRESSION humiliations probably precipitated the savagery of both Hamas and the Israeli defense forces...they are historically damaged people...and have a few thousand years of bad vibes...better them than me 

i watched mr musks "hand gestures"...which i believe are natural reactions for the occasion...i have seen monkeys and little children make the same gestures...normal...

the number of very wealthy trump supporters is not hardly an oligarchy...its just rich friends...all of these people contributed to national and international well being...get over it...musks contribution is much more than being THE RICHEST PERSON IN THE WORLD...I am sure he gets tired of that term...

it may be time to reevaluate the presidential pardon powers...for the executive branch to override the judicial branch seems like a mis-use of power 

i changed my mind about "Rolling Stone" magazine as i picked up a couple at the thrift and read some good articles...but still too much is not to my taste but some folks love it 

saw a good video called " BALTHVS OJOS VERDES"...very tight

"I paint things as they are. I don't comment. I record" Henri de Toulouse Lautrec



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