Thursday, August 23, 2012

"I am not a number- I am a free man..."

in the history of coercieon
the gathering of information has
always been important
black mail is a very important tool
in total-itarian governments
such as ours has become
not very different from
north korea
and some others

do not wonder what all the information
is going to be used for
to keep you in line

i heard a fellow calling himself
a catholic
deer hunter
like that was why he should have
a position of power
and responsibility
what about a buddhist
bird watcher
is that a person who should
be given responsibility
i think perhaps it  would be
helpful to better state what
it is that a person would do
with the responsibility
which their elected position
would give them

we are governed by
a three part government
such as it is
and they often do not
co-operate well
or effectively

i listened to a person say
he was strong on national
that there
defence is obviously pretty weak
given the
reality that there are
12 million folks here
in the usa
who are not here
in accordance with
our legal system
our defence is weak indeed
our offense however
is very offensive
about 900 billion bucks
sloshing around in that bucket
and what gets sloshed out and
seems to be of little concern to
anyone in governent
but the tax payer
we kind of wonder
if any will slosh our way

are we stupid or what

i read an article about
coral reefs a few days ago
the author says
due to
enertia and
there is no hope of
saving coral reefs
from destruction
within about 30 years
acidification of the oceans
are sure to stop the live coral
from living
see them now or
forever hold your peace
maybe your grand children would
like to hear your first hand
accounts of what a coral reef
was like

soon enough we will be a country
consisting of the
and the
had nots

the hippies were right

got to go
time to clean up
the circus
mr cayetano

"I am not a number- I am a free man. I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered."  Partick McGoohan #6   "The Prisoner"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Few men have virtue..."


for many years now
i have tried to stick to a
fifty percent clause
in my life
basically it is this
once the untruths
reach a fifty percent level
it is time to vacate
the relationship

 i have noticed that
there is now a political
party which says it would like to
am er i ca
come back

from where is
anybodies guess

if these jolly fellows
would accept
seven dollars
and twenty five cents
per hour
as their
i would be more
incline to believe
that what they propose
in their budget
is workable

the bottom one percent
of the economy
are being forced into
a life of marginal
this country is better
than what these candidates
propose to do to the
bottom of the economic strata

the thin man was right
if you are successful
you had some help
he was brave
but perhaps
impetuous to mention
that truth

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." George Washington

got to go
it is an economic circus out there
mr cayetano

Friday, August 3, 2012

"The art of losing isn't hard..."

lost the bootleg i am told
the bootleg was bootlegged
sort of an alice in wonderland thing
if i write about it
maybe it will return

began laboring in ernest
a few weeks ago
it is important to be ernest
when laboring

escaped the sally at 4 thirty in the morning
on my last legal day
headed to the laboring job
and who should i meet in the parking lot
of the sally
at 4 thirty in the morning
but the local television news crew
number nine number nine number nine
and the bright lights of the crew
were suddenly turned on me as i walked to
the suite van
quite a joke on me
so i
grabbed my camera and began
getting a few shots of my own
film at eleven

went down town
peopled by plastic folks
trying to stay fashionable
labored on the 17th and 18th
floor of the bank building
construction clean-up
worked hard
real hard
but not hard enough
just got turned down
for opening an account at said bank
too un-unhomed

labored today at the school
resurfacing bathroom floors
piss really takes a toll
i should know
over-heard lots of gossip from the teachers
they seemed to be fascinated with
all damned day
porn this
and porn that
guess some of them must not get many offers
you know
some of them are a little
how shall i say this
if thats not to much a word
associated with livestock

well rumors being what they are
and everyone loves intrigue
me as much as anyone
there is apparently some fellow who
has been investigated for
years and years and  years
and whose life has been ruined
i mean what a crying fuckin shame
better him than me i suppose

and then there is the possibility of murder
not to mention theft
and the implication of
the federal bureau of investigation
the united states attorneys office
the state police
the sheriffs department
and the city police
who would have thought

unfortunately i seem to have lost
actually had stolen from me
my notebook
my quote book
both of my garbage picker uppers
two bottles of dermatologist cream
and a few days ago my knife
nothing fatal
just annoying

rented a cheap room
and was able to watch some of the
classic movies i bought
notorious by alfred hitchcock
with cary grant and ingrid bergman
damn good movie
she was being poisoned too

so life goes on
until it doesn't i suppose

i had a picture to post with this
but i lost it

"The art of losing isn't hard to master;
So many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost
That their loss is no disaster."  Elizabeth Bishop
                                         "One art"
                                           Geography III

mr cayetano