Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Few men have virtue..."


for many years now
i have tried to stick to a
fifty percent clause
in my life
basically it is this
once the untruths
reach a fifty percent level
it is time to vacate
the relationship

 i have noticed that
there is now a political
party which says it would like to
am er i ca
come back

from where is
anybodies guess

if these jolly fellows
would accept
seven dollars
and twenty five cents
per hour
as their
i would be more
incline to believe
that what they propose
in their budget
is workable

the bottom one percent
of the economy
are being forced into
a life of marginal
this country is better
than what these candidates
propose to do to the
bottom of the economic strata

the thin man was right
if you are successful
you had some help
he was brave
but perhaps
impetuous to mention
that truth

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." George Washington

got to go
it is an economic circus out there
mr cayetano

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