in the history of coercieon
the gathering of information has
always been importantblack mail is a very important tool
in total-itarian governments
such as ours has become
not very different from
north korea
and some others
do not wonder what all the information
is going to be used for
to keep you in line
i heard a fellow calling himself
a catholic
deer hunter
like that was why he should have
a position of power
and responsibility
what about a buddhist
bird watcher
is that a person who should
be given responsibility
i think perhaps it would be
helpful to better state what
it is that a person would do
with the responsibility
which their elected position
would give them
we are governed by
a three part government
such as it is
and they often do not
co-operate well
or effectively
i listened to a person say
he was strong on national
that there
defence is obviously pretty weak
given the
reality that there are
12 million folks here
in the usa
who are not here
in accordance with
our legal system
our defence is weak indeed
our offense however
is very offensive
about 900 billion bucks
sloshing around in that bucket
and what gets sloshed out and
seems to be of little concern to
anyone in governent
but the tax payer
we kind of wonder
if any will slosh our way
are we stupid or what
i read an article about
coral reefs a few days ago
the author says
due to
enertia and
there is no hope of
saving coral reefs
from destruction
within about 30 years
acidification of the oceans
are sure to stop the live coral
from living
see them now or
forever hold your peace
maybe your grand children would
like to hear your first hand
accounts of what a coral reef
was like
soon enough we will be a country
consisting of the
and the
had nots
the hippies were right
got to go
time to clean up
the circus
mr cayetano
"I am not a number- I am a free man. I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered." Partick McGoohan #6 "The Prisoner"
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