Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Men fight and lose the battle..."

                                everybodies got to eat

just read an essay by montaigne about
a fellow who was so sick he wanted to die
he decided to starve himself to death
after a few days of not eatting
be improved so much it was apparent he was going to live
but he said he had set his mind to dying
and so he went ahead and starved himself to death

i see these folks every day who look like they
have had a hard life
perhaps have done a lot of hard work
but now they do not have any work
and some of them have fallen into a habit
of having bad habits

the native americans who live in the pine ridge
indian reservation which has a population of
28,787 people  do not have the same lifestyle
that they had in centuries past
they have a place to live and food to eat
but not their old traditional ways
the town of whiteclay nebraska which has a
population of 10 sells 4.9 million cans of beer
per year
they are a few mile south of the reservation
 everybody needs something to do
besides have bad habits

"Men fight and lose the battle,
and the thing they fought for comes
about in spite of their defeat,
and when it comes, turns out not to be
what they meant, and others fight
for it under another name."  william morris
                                         "the dream of john ball"

work for the circus
mr cayetano

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