Sunday, March 16, 2014

"It has been well said..."

                                 on the rocks

here in the valley
valley of the harpies
harpie valley p t a
hip slick and cool

i was thinking about the bunnies
i was thinking about bunnie life
i remembered back a few years
to about 1970
i was a zookeeper
excited about wildlife
a woman and her daughter came into the
wit5h a bunnie
said they could no longer keep it
would the zoo take it
sure said mike
we can use a bunnie
they went away happy
mike held bunnie tenderly
in his arms as he
walked down the sidewalk
when he got to the crocodile exhibit
he tossed bunnie to the crocs
they were delighted
we had lots of bunnies
all over the zoo
and we daily had to catch them and
feed them to the crocs
bunnies can get out of hand
pretty quickly
next day
mom and daughter return
they say they must have bunnie
they miss bunnie
mike says
bunnie died of a broken heart
too bad
my first lesson in
life and death in a world
of lifes and deaths
good lesson

you might have read my movie
i keep hearing about it
stolen from my notebooks
and apparently published
life and death in a world
anyhow i may publish it later
i got off on a bunnie story

learned a new word
look it up

"It has been well said that no
man ever sank undee the burden
of the day. It is when tomorrows
burden is added to the burden of
today that the weight is more than
a man can bear."  G. Macdonald

got to go
on the rocks
but not sunk
mr cayetano

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