Friday, March 21, 2014

"Understand first..."

                                  cat stares

sat watching the geese
suddenly they all rise at once
not the dogs this time
from behind me
a bald eagle
it circles
circles again
swoops down
picks something up
it is white
it got the feral cat
i always wondered if an
eagle would eat that cat

another wildlife viewing spot
cinnaman teal
hooded mergansers
american coots
a few more species
strange people show up
i listen to the radio
watch with the binoculars
green truck pulls up
guy gets out
with a gun in a holster
on his hip
pretty wierd
sign says no shooting
he makes sure i see his gun
la de da
i have a sharp stick
get a life

never ending drama
i listen to my life coach
thick neck hahn
mr peaceful
he says
they act the way they do
because i act the way i do
hey wait a minute
i have a sharp stiick
he says forget the sharp stick
they will get a bomb
then where will you be
i throw away my sharp stick

"Understand first that licensed
arms dealers in Briton regard
themselves as some kind of rough-edged
elite-did then, do now- and that they enjoy
quite disproportionate privilages at
the hands of the police, the bureaucracy and
the intelligence services. For reasons I have never
understood. Their grisly trade puts them in
a relationship of confidence with these bodies.
Perhaps it's the illusioin of reality they impart,
of guns as the earthy truth of life and death.
Perhaps, in the tethered minds of our officials,
their wares suggest the same authority that
is exerted by those who use them.  I don't
know. But I've seen enough of the street side
of life in the years between to know that more
men are in love with war than ever get a chance
to fight one, and that more guns are bought
to satisfy this love than for a pardonable purpose."
                                          John Le carre "The secret pilgrim"

got to go
mr cayetano

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