Monday, May 12, 2014

"Some of mankinds most terrible misdeeds..."

                                 the guy standing next to me

i am sitting here in the
lie bury
tap tap tapping out my
i am watching a documentary film
on the mac
the goebbels experiment
it is very interesting
on the wall is a photo
of a local guy
someone said i dont like
that is not the case at all
i dont like those folks
who want to abuse their
and deprive me of my civil rights

i spent 4 days gathering signatures
to get a couple of
laws on the ballot in the fall
one of the laws is a 34 page
proposal to make pot legal
sort of legal
i read all 34 pages
there were lots of people
who wanted to sign the petition
none of them read all of it
so i thought i would mention a few
of the items in the bill here

a private person can grow 4 pot plants
and have 8 ounces of pot in the house
if you want to be a pot seller you must
pay 250 bucks to apply
and 1000 bucks a year
pay 35 bucks per ounce of bud
10 bucks per ounce of  leaf
and five buck per immature plant
that you sell 
the state hopes to collect
100 million bucks in pot taxes
40 percent will go to schools
now we get to some weirdness
you cannot let the plants be in public view
you cannot maintain an unsanitary establishment
you cannot be in the habit of using
alcohol, habit forming drugs, or pot
to excess
pretty funny huh
also you must be of
good repute and moral character
pretty funny
anyhow i am not sure who is going to be
on the morality and repute panel
but i doubt if keith richards could
go into the pot business here
me neither maybe
and i am as moral as
well as
as some other people

"Some of mankinds most terrible misdeeds
have been commited under the spell of
certain magic words or phrases."  j b conant

well  i have to
avoid the legal circus
mr cayetano

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