Friday, May 30, 2014

"The courtesan Flora..."

                                  drone overhead yesterday-eugene, or.

probably just looking for rare birds
yeah right
pretty big drone
could hold a dozen or so people

lots of sex talk this week
nut case with too many guns
shoots folks cause he
feels rejected
1901-1908 belle gunness
of indiana
murders 14 men suitors
may have killed 42 people
never caught
count your blessings pal

here in dysfunction junction
there is talk of who is guilty
of possibly rapeing a woman
one letter to the editor says
it was group sex consensual
the female says it was rape
the men says it was not
the district lawyer says
he wont prosecute
the female faction screeches
for justice
means lots of sex
even a woman who has lots of
even a woman who has lots
of sex for money
any woman
at any time has the right
to say
not now
finish it
be gone
men do too

"The courtesan Flora said she
never lay with Pompey, but that
she made him wear the prints of
her teeth."  Plutarch

count you blessings
dont get bit
mr cayetano

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