Tuesday, November 20, 2018

"Any violence offered to me..."

black-tailed jackrabbit  lepus californicus
actually a hare which is precocial or nidifugous
well I guess this video did not upload...maybe later
"Any violence offered to me I shall do my best to repel; and what I cannot do
for myself, the law shall do for me. I hope I shall never be deterred from
detecting what I think a cheat, by the menaces of a ruffian."  sam johnson

it must also be noted that johnson was a large man who once picked up a chair
with a man in it and hurled them both into the orchestra pit at the theater.

according to the american journal of physics
it would take 38 minutes and 11 seconds to fall through
a borehole in the earth...
so I just read most of my bootleg blogs and realized some of them seem to be missing
i must admit I have done very little to protect myself against hacking...

curley the crow  (1877)

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