Friday, December 14, 2018

"JOURNAUX INTIMES." Hypocrite reader-my likeness- my brother"

so I read on my blog that I have zero followers
this is good
very good
I used to have 3 followers but now it is none
therefore I will feel free to post this very interesting article from
Science magazine which gives some interesting information
about prayer and meditation and the effects that these practices
have on the brain.

"Drama is the back stairs of the intellect. Philosophers and
historians go in by the front door, but playwrights and novelists
sneak up the back stairs with their more disreputable luggage."
                                                           Alan Bennett (1991)

bought groceries
no more blockade mutton for me
living the good life
fresh air
plenty of sleep
clean underwear...usually

life is good....

got to go

Nashville Frank Leslie

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