Monday, December 17, 2018

"Therefore hold to things which are reliable..."

                                          My neighbor in the desert come to visit

been reading in "Archaeology" magazine
folks digging up stuff all over the place
old animals   old people   old animals almost people
hominin    thats us  I think I may be around some Dmanisi people now.
now that we have become a lot more sophisticated as humans
we might do well to think about what we are doing to ourselves
and our planet 
I was watching one of my DVD's about "The Machinery of War"
sure is a lot of it....from pointed sticks to robotic bombs
there was this one battle during WWI called the "Battle of Passchendale"
1917 in France I think....500,00 allied troops killed and 250,000 Germans
they figured out that for the ground that was gained it cost about one human life
for every 2 square inches....pretty pricey real estate...maybe too pricey.
No body remembers it now but for the folks laying dead it will never be forgotten.

I have another music recommendation which may be online or can probably
be found somewhere. It is Bruce Springsteen's version of a song called
"WAR" which I recommend from a double album which he put out some time ago.
Great rendition of an older song. Sung with a lot of heart.

Well, off the the " Kingdom of Hwicce" and may visit Zoe in
Rouffignac Cave...

"Therefore, hold to things which are reliable.
Look to simplicity; embrace purity;
Lessen the self; diminish desire."
                                           Lao-tse (Taoist)

got to go
C57BL/6 Black six

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